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#724051 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Charlie M
Any plans on doing the San Marino league at all?
Can link the kits if someone fancies it.
#670560 Possible to change the graphics folder to a different drive?
Charlie M
Brilliant matey thanks for that, I'll give this a shot.
#670551 Possible to change the graphics folder to a different drive?
Charlie M
Hi folks,
Looking for a bit of advice. I recently installed a SSD ‘E’ drive into my laptop as the ‘C’ drive has only 120gb storage.
I've changed the Steam download path to the. 'E' drive but would the add ons such as logos etc work if they are stored on the ‘E’ drive instead? As the size of the ‘C’ drive is so poor it means I can' store a lot of facepacks etc along with the stuff already on there.
I know the game normally “pulls” the graphics from the folder path in documents but just wondering If anyone else has set this up and got it working OK?
#169163 An International Career - Wales
Charlie M
Solid group you've been handed though!
#165267 La Leggenda Italiana - A Father & Son Tale
Charlie M
#165264 Through The Ranks
Charlie M
Keep it up dude!
#164176 Through The Ranks
Charlie M
#164175 La Leggenda Italiana - A Father & Son Tale
Charlie M
Good luck Rick.
#163926 [FM14]Johno's career
Charlie M
I'd have told Chelsea to chase themselves with that bid! I always demand all da monies up front!
#163910 The NK Pomorac Project
Charlie M
Keep going mate, done well to replace the squad.
#163905 Up Pompey!
Charlie M
Still no repairewd laptop yet. Curry's KNOWHOW are saying they need to order a part in for it.
Well they have 7 days to repair it or I'll be getting it replaced so we will see what happens by Friday.
#163894 Through The Ranks
Charlie M
If so, I imagine that will make it almost impossible to become the National team boss?
#163169 Beating Fergie
Charlie M
#163162 The NK Pomorac Project
Charlie M
#162539 Up The Owls!
Charlie M
#162537 A Long Rise From The Welsh Dumps!
Charlie M
#162306 Blue Sea of Ibrox [FM14]
Charlie M
#162291 Up Pompey!
Charlie M
LOLz mate, you are WAY better than I was when I first started trying it! (and I still do the same from time to time).
#162284 Up Pompey!
Charlie M
Yes Shed, although you have a schoolboy error with the HT 0-0 score haha!
#162279 Gunning For Glory
Charlie M
#162276 Up the Iron
Charlie M
#162271 Up Pompey!
Charlie M
Thanks bud! Do you use Google Chrome? If so, go to a BBC match report (I try finding one with the desired scoreline already, makes it easier) then:
- Click on tools on the top right hand corner menu
- Choose 'Developer tools' (pretty sure you can just press F12 on the screen to open developer tools)
- You will now have a wee dialog box at the bottom of your screen
- Click the magnifying glass icon at the top left of the dialog box
- Then just click on the area of the screen you want to edit and it will open the correct coding section in the dialog box and you just fiddle about from there.
- When you are done, Print Screen, paste it into Paint and crop then upload it to imgur or whatnot.
Any issues just give me a holler mate and I'll help
Thanks mate, yeah I was so glad too....
Until I dropped my laptop last night and burst the LED
Thanks again guys.
#161453 Another Arsenal Career...
Charlie M
Another plus, you're miles away from the sack at the mo!
#161452 Sporting Toulon Var - a shit club in the Cote d'Azur [FM14]
Charlie M
#161416 Scottish Domination...
Charlie M
Although I still can't believe Morton paid £40k for Neil Janczyk!!
#161178 Sporting Toulon Var - a shit club in the Cote d'Azur [FM14]
Charlie M
#161140 Hansa Rostock - a Shedender career in Germany
Charlie M
Good luck with them bud!
#161118 Gunning For Glory
Charlie M
In some good form as well. Bonus.
#161110 Up Pompey!
Charlie M
Cheers mate, yeah trounced them! was a surprise to be fair.
Just need to beat Newport now.
Thanks for reading and commenting as always bud.
#161108 Another Arsenal Career...
Charlie M