jgmcdee - Comments

#216802 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.03 Released [28/12/2024]
10 years ago
9 years ago
If you want I can rezip the directory now that it's all in lower case and upload it somewhere for you to pull down.

In general with filesystems which aren't case-sensitive they will create directories and files in the case that is given but when updating they will retain whatever case they started with. So attempting to update the files and directories won't get you anywhere (even though on some operating systems it looks like it has worked).
#216396 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.03 Released [28/12/2024]
10 years ago
9 years ago
I've downloaded the torrent file, and there seems to be two metallic logo folders...is this correct?


Reason I ask, it seems I have the wrong logo for the Vanarama Conference Leagues, I have the old Skrill logo


I hit this problem on linux. After playing about with it for a while it looks like if there are two folders it will only look in the one which is lower-case.

I fixed this with a quick script to move everything in to the lower-case directory. Went something like this:

cd ~/Documents/Sports\ Interactive/Football\ Manager\ 2015/graphics/pictures/logos/
find Metallic\ Logos -type d -printf "DIR=\"%p\" && mkdir -p \"\${DIR,,}\"\n" | bash
find Metallic\ Logos -type f -printf "FILE=\"%p\" && mv \"\$FILE\" \"\${FILE,,}\"\n" | bash
After running this the logos started to show up correctly in all cases I could find. YMMV/no promises etc, but it worked for me.

Because this has moved files around you would need to run it again as/when you obtain updates.