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#356277 SS Kits Colours Changes for 16/17 Kits on FM16 [v4.3.1 - 06/11/16)
Igor Kornatovskyy
Looks like some of the teams 1st kit (team panel at the same role) became uneditable
#356259 SS Kits Colours Changes for 16/17 Kits on FM16 [v4.3.1 - 06/11/16)
Igor Kornatovskyy
I'm changing all the colors in editor by my own, and I've created second fmf file "Kits colors" - and there is some BUG, I've looked in all (for sure) editor files - everywhere for the same team color is for example WHITE - but in game - it's fu.....in red.
I don't know why? why? How to fix it? Thanks
#355167 Scotland - Highland & Lowland Leagues (Standard) 2016/17
Igor Kornatovskyy
Is it possible to steal these files (licensed FM17 in-game kits) and put them into FM16?
#354464 Scotland - Highland & Lowland Leagues (Standard) 2016/17
Igor Kornatovskyy
#353491 Bulgaria - 1st Division SS'2016/17 Relink! (12/02/17)
Igor Kornatovskyy
#350314 Belarus - 3th league SS'2016/17
Igor Kornatovskyy
#350009 Belarus - 3th league SS'2016/17
Igor Kornatovskyy
#349632 England - Isthmian Premier League SS'2016/17 Relink! (02/02/17)
Igor Kornatovskyy
What about
- French Ligue 1
- English Sky Bet 1
- Scottish League
#348748 Germany - Bundesliga 3D'2016/17 New! (11/09/16)
Igor Kornatovskyy