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#423508 Player value
My current most valuable player is Adama Diakhaby at € 10 mill.
#423480 FM2018 Real Names and German National Team Fix File for FM18.3.0 [v2.1 released on 05/04/2018]
Thank you, mons. Great work!
#423399 FM2018 Real Names and German National Team Fix File for FM18.3.0 [v2.1 released on 05/04/2018]
#419785 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
I've dowloaded "sortitoutsi_cutout_megapack_10.03_changes.rar" and "sortitoutsi_cutout_megapack_10.04_changes.rar" with 132 mb + 127 mb. I assume this is not correct.
#419518 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Print screen
#268695 Experience with Newcastle?
I'm considering starting a new career with Newcastle United but how is it to work with Mike Ashley? Will he stop me from reaching the top in some kind of way?
#262933 On a quest to be the best. [FM15]
#262330 Zpanizh Adventurez
#258245 Zpanizh Adventurez
#250199 Tips for starting a long career game
Only considering teams in Spain tbh and finding Real Betis, Villarreal, Deportivo Aláves, Las Palmas and Ponferradina most interesting. Any suggestions?
#248682 Update 15.3.0 has ruined my editor data
#248659 FM2015 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.0 for FM15.3.0 [25/02/2015]
#248610 Update 15.3.0 has ruined my editor data
#248540 Tips for starting a long career game
Another idea I've had is to build yourself up as a manager and try to win as many leagues and cups as possible. Your level of patience will decide how good your first team will be of course.
#248533 Update 15.3.0 has ruined my editor data
#248520 Update 15.3.0 has ruined my editor data
#248464 Update 15.3.0 has ruined my editor data
#248377 Update 15.3.0 has ruined my editor data
But that's not all: when I'm staring the editor it just pops up a black box without anything happening. What is this? If someone could help it would mean a a lot. This is really frustrating.
#247882 How many nations?
Do you know what's the difference is between visible and playable countries/leagues when it comes to player development? Do players develop more slowly or not at all when the league is just visible?
#247874 How many nations?
With Portugal, Spain, Argentina, Brazil, England, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain and Germany I got 51 000 players and three star game speed.
#234137 Dans Journey Around The World [FM15]
Great lead in the league and being in the cup final. 2,96 goals per game in the league is really not bad! Trip to Turin with Juve having four away goals will be tough!
#234081 What team should I pick?
#232684 Version update
#232677 Terrible manager?
I played recently the second season with a team on the third tier in Norway (the same team as Shedender actually) where I played ten pre season games and the squad were like 65-80% match fit. Thats with playing every three/four days the last month or so before season starts, and with the 16/17 players in the squad, there should be plenty of time on the pitch for everyone. Is there someone who have a good tips with pre season training because I can't seem to get this right..
Here is the settings that I'm using:
General training: Fitness - very high intensity
Match preparation training: Tactics
The "slider" is set in the middle (50%). There's also times where I can't change this slider. Why is that?
#232456 Dans Journey Around The World [FM15]
Can I ask for a picture of your tactics when you started out with Liefering (if you've saved it of course)?
#232452 Terrible manager?
Great tips, K3VO. Will be using the touchline talk a lot more.
#232444 Terrible manager?
Players don't get match fit - this especially happened with Ranheim in Norway, where I played ten pre-season matches within one and a half month with high level of intensity. By the start of april and the first game, only two players were 80% matchfit while others were like 65%. Why? The squad is small.
Tactics - I really haven't been successfull with any of my tactics. I consider myself as a experienced Football Manager-player, but this year I've not been successfull at all. The players are playing in their strongest position and I usually play a 4-3-3 with people behind the ball. What happens almost every game is that I lead 2/3/4-0 and then the opposition scores like 3 goals in five minutes and I end up drawing or losing. This happens even when my players are match fit.
Is this a common problem? Or am I just a lousy manager? How can I turn this around?