bluesjunior - Comments

#50468 Team Closing Down Question?.
18 years ago
9 years ago
I haven't played since FM11 a couple of years ago, but have just ordered a copy of FM13. In the meantime I have re-opened my old FM11 save. I prefer playing using the sliders rather than the TC and I remember most of my approach and of course have certain stuff either written down or printed off of the SI site and here. In my old FM save I had the most success using the default player settings with minimal changes in regard to each individual player. I then set up a Team strategy that would change from game to game depending on opponents, pitch, weather etc. I think it was mostly garnered from a thread by Cleon over at SI but after an hours search I cannot find it again. In that thread Team Closing Down was changed between More - Less - Default on a match basis depending on certain critea but for the life of me I cannot remember what it was. Can anyone remember the theory I am talking about, otherwise how do you approach Team CD in FM2013?.
#49859 List of Must Have Add-Ons For FM2013?.
18 years ago
9 years ago
I am returning to the FM series after not playing for approx 2yrs. In the previous 12+ years that I played the game first with CM and then with FM I always tried to keep abreast of the latest add-ons such as face packs, stadium packs, editors etc and would like to catch up with this again, but to save me hours and hours of perusing FM sites like here and SI games would any of the members reading this like to add their favorite FM add-ons which they consider their faves?.