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#741093 FM23 English Lower League Database - Level 15
love the database but starting out i've noticed that a few teams at Lvl 12 have crazy team valuations and appear to be in the league West Yorkshire League Division One. near enough all the teams in that league (bar a couple which are reserve teams) have £10m+ valuations which i believe must be an error. Its frustrating in part as they are always interested in players that they ordinarily would not be able to afford. Can this be changed on the next update.
#705256 FM2022 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v4.1 for FM22.4.1 [released on 04/04/2022] - final version
yeah, i seem to be getting a similar error at the moment that won't let me past matchday 1st Jan 2023
#686787 FM22 England Lower Leagues to Level 14
Hi Guys,
Great addition to the game, thank you for compiling. I just wanted to check on the issue i'm having with the league structure. It seems to be a bit out of kilt. The National League should have 24 teams from the end of the 2021-2022 season but this doesn't reflect. Any idea if this can be fixed?
#459959 🛠️ Metallic Logos Technical Support Thread
I've done some digging and found an old graphics download which has logos and pictures and is compressed to 1.7gb but some of the graphics are outdated now. They seem to use file type .fmf, i'm not sure if that will help answer the question as to whether these graphics would work on there or not
#448330 🛠️ Metallic Logos Technical Support Thread
Cheers thanks for providing and i will provide a UID in future.
#447992 🛠️ Metallic Logos Technical Support Thread
#408921 FM2018 Real Names and German National Team Fix File for FM18.3.0 [v2.1 released on 05/04/2018]
Fair play, i wasn't sure if it was possible to add the Brazilian names to the file and then do the workaround with the removing hashtags to get it to work in a current save.
#408589 FM2018 Real Names and German National Team Fix File for FM18.3.0 [v2.1 released on 05/04/2018]
As explained in the opening post, the Ajax staff file must be applied before starting a new game as it's structured entirely differently to other files. The reason is that they're not in the game at all, and so they had to be added from scratch.
I was talking about the Brazilian team names, is that related to the Ajax staff file?
#408510 FM2018 Real Names and German National Team Fix File for FM18.3.0 [v2.1 released on 05/04/2018]
I mean for an existing game that is? So because of the way they're hidden it means that it's not possible to change the file to have them work in an existing save, even by doing the workaround of losing the nickname?
#408433 FM2018 Real Names and German National Team Fix File for FM18.3.0 [v2.1 released on 05/04/2018]
how would you go about adding the correct Brazilian names into the game?
Mons, would this need to be added to the next update of this file or is the file editable to add teams which aren't already included?
#407661 FM2018 Real Names and German National Team Fix File for FM18.3.0 [v2.1 released on 05/04/2018]
i.e. update the file with the teams, drop the hashtag and lose the nickname in order to get the full name?
#392604 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.05 Released [12/03/2025]
All looks fine from what you describe - I assume that you have cleared the cache and reloaded the skin in the options as thats all I can think of right now.
100% has to be something up with the config file. I've even downloaded the complete file again and removed the old folder out to test and it still shows up with the generic logo for the normal size one.
#388800 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.05 Released [12/03/2025]
It looks like you have no club logos in your folder as it's just a default one showing - you seem to have a mix 'n' match logo set which is never a great idea unless you know exactly what you are doing. You really need to search your club logo folder for the logos in question and then search through the config to make sure the id is on there ( via notepad and edit menu) although from your screenies it does not like they match up.
i've only ever downloaded the main file and replaced the old files when the updates have come out (i've never downloaded any other logos other than does from this site). I've checked the normal club logo folder and i have the logos in there for the missing Andorran and Costa Rican leagues. The screenshot shows that its on the config file so why is it not changing that logo in the game. Is the config file broken? I've updated the config file with the latest one still no luck. I've tried to move the logo and re-add it into the folder and still no luck. Any suggestions on what to do?
#387649 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.05 Released [12/03/2025]
#387644 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.05 Released [12/03/2025]
#383330 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.05 Released [12/03/2025]
#382463 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.05 Released [12/03/2025]
I'm glad to see i'm not the only one, hopefully this can be fixed for the next update somehow.
#382084 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.05 Released [12/03/2025]
I've just re downloaded the update and added the normal clubs logos + config but still no update. See screenshot attachment. The small logos are fine but for some reason the normal ones haven't
#382083 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.05 Released [12/03/2025]
#381286 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.05 Released [12/03/2025]
P.S great work with the latest logos.
#361152 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.05 Released [12/03/2025]
Thanks Kremmen, appreciate you giving me the heads up on this and again thanks for the effort you and the others put in to getting these updates out there!
#361151 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.05 Released [12/03/2025]
Cheers for the heads up on that. Much appreciated
#360602 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.05 Released [12/03/2025]
Just a side note to this, will logos which have been put into the request thread and this thread be picked up in future updates over time and on average how long does it take for each update to be released? Thanks again
#360600 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.05 Released [12/03/2025]
Thanks a lot, absolute ledge!
#360426 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.05 Released [12/03/2025]
Do you need to just change the file name to the actual ID number in order for it to work or is there something else you need to do?
#360281 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.05 Released [12/03/2025]
#353371 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
It's all working fine. I think the old files were corrupting the new ones but i've deleted the old folder and replaced it with the new one and the images are there now and look great. Thanks for your support. Now I need to get the download for the logos to work as it keeps cutting out after 800mb
#353360 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
I've added the screenshots now, thanks
#353359 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
#353357 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting