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#720605 Stato Skin FM23 Full Release
Came here to ask this exactly. Is there a way to tweak it on our end to include the team city backgrounds in the club overview panel?
I had a hard time to find a skin I love and this one does it for me! I'd just love to include city backgrounds here!
Thank you for this amazing work!
#609866 sortitoutsi Background and Stadium Packs Technical Support Thread
I have a technical problem with a city background that I added myself to the initial version of the Megapack.
The club I am playing with (FC Annecy, ID: 85052735) did not have a background picture so I added it and edited the config.xml file. It worked just fine.
But today, I downloaded and installed the .01 version, and while the picture is still in the right folder and I edited the config file again, I can not see it in-game anymore. Is there a reason for that?
Thanks a lot!
#577115 SAGKRZealand Facepack - Regen Face Generator
Thank you for this, I can't wait to see the in-game result.
Just so I understand correctly, you need to repeat the process once for every new save? And for a new save, how long does it take the game to create regens -in other words how long do we need to wait before trying to install this pack?
Once again, amazing job thank you!