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#671980 FM2022 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v4.1 for FM22.4.1 [released on 04/04/2022] - final version
Nice one mons, that worked perfectly!
#671974 FM2022 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v4.1 for FM22.4.1 [released on 04/04/2022] - final version
Sorry if this has already been asked, but is this fix also for the demo version? I've tried to apply it twice with no joy…
Thanks for your excellent work, you guys make the game worth playing!
#368149 Standard Official Kits FM2017 Thread
You need to have a config file to assign the kit to a specific club.
I'd recommend downloading one of the existing kit packs from this site, deleting all the kits in that pack and replacing them with the ones you want to use. Then use the config.xml file in the download as a template.
Remove the club IDs in the config (as they will relate to the kits you just deleted) but use the structure to assign the new kits. You will need get the new club ID numbers by turning on IDs in the preferences panel in game, then apply them to the config file like this:
<record from="southampton1" to="graphics/pictures/team/713/kits/home"/>
^"southampton1" being the name of the home kit image file and "713" being the club ID for Southampton.
Once you are finished editing the config file and have checked thoroughly, save the folder with your new kits and config in /graphics/kits and reload your skin in game.
#367699 Standard Official Kits FM2017 Thread
First time poster but a long time user of the graphics on this site... Wanna start by saying thank you for all the work you do, your effort makes it a completely different game and I really appreciate it
I have a request because I've looked high and low but can't find elsewhere. I was hoping someone may be able to make both sides of the reversible St.Pauli shirt from 2010/11? I've made one or two standard kits but this one's beyond my capabilities. Here are some pics:
Side 1
Side 2
Also, the keeper's kit from this season is a beauty(!) If someone could make a short sleeve version I'd have a go at making the 3D file to use in game as a third kit
Big asks I know but any help would totally make my day