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#705592 FM22.4 Crashing with Custom Graphics - Help Please?
@R Charlston @ForzaItalia thanks a lot for your help, but unfortunately i can't find a solution, everytime i click on “clear cache” and “reload skin” the game stop to work, and it's the same if i start the game with the graphics on in the respective folder. Never never never had this kind of problems in a decade
#705156 FM22.4 Crashing with Custom Graphics - Help Please?
Hi! Sorry if i'm asking in this topic after months, but i have the same problem! When i recharge the skin (with all graphics etc) my fm crashes! What i have to do? I have unistalled and re installed many times, removed documents folders, caches, preferences, but i can't find a solution! never had this kind of problems with fm, can you please tell me step by step what you've done to solve this? I'm desperate