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#351458 FM17 Discussion Thread
Aston Villa (My team I always do a career long play through assuming I don;t get sacked)
Dortmund (My second team, I'm part German and their squad is looking very interesting)
Gloucester (Will be my non league to PL mission)
The Jade Empire (Are my custom created team and I will attempt to work from the bottom of the English Pyramid to the top. I will create a custom badge, kits (black and green trim) etc. They are too be based on The Isle of White an area in need of a team)
#347858 {General Question} How long until after release does it normally take for face packs to be released?
Really? I assumed it would need to be a different download completely for 2017 since I assumed all the ID numbers etc for players would be different from previous
That's great news
#347675 {General Question} How long until after release does it normally take for face packs to be released?