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#812424 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Since I still wasn't able to download 2025.02 properly despite what I tried: would it cause any problems if I would skip this file and continue with 2025.03?
#811071 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Don't worry. I'll be able to manage this. Not a big deal. Thanx for your incredible work & services. Cheers!
#810978 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
I've got the same issue. The 2025.02 file causes problems, irrespective of the mirror I use. Downloading it via Deposit I get the warning “malware included” and using freedlink the dowload's never complete. I tried both mirrors several times. No chance.
#521233 Kits
Could it cause any trouble if I would use the 3D kits made for FM19 in FM20?
#455725 several rar-folders can't be opened
Thx! Done it and, guess what, it worked.
Thumps up!
#455714 several rar-folders can't be opened
Unfortunately some of the SS Kits folders can't be opened witz winzip.So far, I've got problems with following files:
Argentina B Nacional
England Levels 1-6
Estonia Meistrliiga
Greek Superleague
Greek Football League
Israel Ligat Japinaka
Poland Fortuna 1 Liga
Portugal Liga NOS
Sweden Allsvenskan
Spain Liga Santadar
Spain Liga 1-2-3
All other files I downloaded worked perfect.
I have tried it seceral times and I've no clue why winzip tells me that these files can't be extracted. Has anybody any idea what I could do.
Thx & cheers