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#765437 FM 24 ROMANIA 6 Levels
Ai schimbat numărul de echipa în basic rules? Până a schimbat în advanced rules? Dacă ai făcut-o după, atunci de aceea îți apare eroarea cu 100 echipe.
#765268 FM 24 ROMANIA 6 Levels
problema cu 100 echipe cel mai probabil apare din cauza că când transformi din reguli simple în advanced rules la liga 3 rămân minim și maxim 12 echipe, și tu editezi doar după ce transformi în advanced rules în 10 echipe. Ar trebui de schimbat în regulile simple câte 10 echipe în fiecare serie din liga 3 și deja și cupa României e necesar de editat în regulile simple.
#764450 FM 24 ROMANIA 6 Levels
Cel mai probabil folosești fișierul cu Astra Giurgiu din atelierul steam împreună cu acesta.
P.S. dacă e așa, atunci eu am realizat că acolo e eliminată Tunari din Liga a 2 și e adăugată echipă nouă Astra Giurgiu (anume echipă nouă)
#690953 Editor Requests Thread[Post your requests here and read the opening post)
Hi all from Republic of Moldova.
I am trying to create the championship of Moldova according to the new version and ran into problems.
According to the new rules, 2 stages are played in the first 2 divisions.
In Superliga (first division, SP) 8 teams play 2 round, and in second stage first 6 team play in champions groupe of SP (CGSP), the last 2 teams play in the second stage in Liga1 (the second division, L1), in order to remain in the top division.
In L1, 12 teams in first stage play in 2 group (6 teams) - 2 rounds. In the second round the best 2 teams in groups creat with 2 last teams from the higher division, champions group (CGL1) of L1 (6 teams). The team that wins this group will become the champion of L1 and will play next season in SP. Teams that take 3rd to 6th place in groups form a survival group of L1 (SGL1), and will play in one round. The last 2 relegate from L1. And the last: teams that take 1st to 6th place in SGL1 and teams that take 2nd to 6th place in CGL1 play in play-off for one place in SP for next season.
Below are screenshots from the game, without the rules of relegation/promotion.
And now I'm trying to write in the rules of relagatio/promotion. And I get an error, can someone help with advice where exactly I make a mistake?
p.s. Divizia Națională is Superliga and Divizia A is Liga1
Help please and sorry for my english)