loadyth - Comments

#498192 How to watch the draws for competitions?
8 years ago
5 years ago
No problem! From the group stage onwards, it should come automatically in your manager's inbox. Is that not the case? If so, the only reasoning I can think is that you aren't 'subscribed' to it in the inbox settings - if that's still even a thing, it was a few editions back but I haven't looked for it in recent years.

Yes I used to be able too, but now it seems to me that it is only possible if my teams participate in the given tournament. It is a shame I cant get it to work though, as, for me at least, it adds to my experience playing the game
#498010 How to watch the draws for competitions?
8 years ago
5 years ago
I'm not 100% sure @loadyth, but I believe most of the Champions League/Europa League qualifying round draws are done (semi) automatically in real life? From what I can remember when I've followed them IRL in past years, they draw the 1QR, 2QR etc. all at once - so therefore you'd only get an email as it's a "PAOK/Ajax vs. Ludogorets/Zenit type of situation. So only the group stage onwards would have actual draws. Could be wrong though.

Thank you very much for your answer. Do you know if it is possible to see/do the draws from the group stage onwards? Can I do something in settings perhaps?
#497461 How to watch the draws for competitions?
8 years ago
5 years ago
Not a single person know this? I remember it was possible in the earlier versions of the game, but cant get it to work now.
It adds to my enjoyment of the game if I can do the tournament-draws myself.
#495281 Return of the Legends: Your experiences please
8 years ago
5 years ago
Did anyone try the patch mentioned in the title? I am very interested but would like to hear your views on it, please

Also: Does a patch exist which has The Soviet Union, Yugoslavia and perhaps East Germany in it?
#373669 Balance of the game
8 years ago
5 years ago
Are you loading the English league but not other major European ones? Playable leagues will have a slightly stronger predisposition, due to the fact they will have a larger player complement and therefore a larger possibility of having a stronger squad.

Moreover, going forward, it would stand to reason that with the larger amounts of TV money in the Premier League, English clubs should be much stronger in Europe. However, we all know that football doesn't quite work like that

I load all of bigger European leagues and make them all playable. Englands national team is also always doing great at the competitions, and everybody knows that it has been a long while since that was true
#373659 Balance of the game
8 years ago
5 years ago
I am aware not all will agree and more might not be bothered about it, but I think the English teams (and hereby the national team) are overpowered in this game (FM2017). It seems that in all the seasons I have played so far, at least one English team will win a European Cup. There are so many examples to show that this does not reflect reality, so I will not mention them, but it really annoys me. I want the game to be as realistic as possible, and this does not seem to be the case here. Or maybe I am the only one feeling this way? What do you guys think?
#372718 Wannachup Instant Result FM17 - All Default Skins
8 years ago
5 years ago
Does this still work with the newest version (as of march 7)?
#372101 How to watch the draws for competitions?
8 years ago
5 years ago
Can anyone help me so I can actually watch the draws "live" as it was possible in previous versions of FM? I am playing a danish club and I am about participate in the qualification round of the Champions League. I want to see the draw, but all that happens is that I get an inbox mail telling me who I drew. How do get to see the draw as it happens?
#348144 Player wants to leave
8 years ago
5 years ago
I know what you mean re the part in italics, but you have to admit those instances were often somewhat unrealistic and the person's volte-face made no sense at all. In that regards, it's more realistic this way.

You also have to admit that trying to convince a player of a newly-promoted team that they'll qualify for Europe that same season is a hard sell at best, and that he is frankly justified to say it's not realistic. How many times has it happened irl, after all?

That being said, you can always pray for good draws in the FA Cup and the EFL Cup and hope you can somehow win either of them. It remains to be seen whether he'd be mollified by an EFL Cup win and a lowly league finish, but you can always give it your best shot.

I know it's a wrench to lose your best players but that is what happens to all the managers in the world (unless you're at Real Madrid or Barcelona); it's how you manage the situation which shows how good a manager you are. Do you play him despite being unhappy or do you just sell him now and extract maximum value out of him? Do you spend this season trying to identify his replacement and start to tap him up? Etc. etc...

I fully agree this is more realistic, and I am not complaining at all. I just hoped there was a way to keep him, as he is an integral part of my tactics. Well, at least I have him for one more season, and if he keeps being unhappy, I will sell after this coming season.
#348141 Player wants to leave
8 years ago
5 years ago
Basically, winning games and trophies. If the option is possible, meet him and try and promise him that you'll qualify for Europe this season and that you'll let him go next summer if you don't. Unless he has Leeds as his favourite club, there's little chance of keeping him otherwise. You're lucky that you can keep him for a year and change his mind in the interim; if his contract expired next year, then you'd have to either sell him now or lose him for naught...

I remember in previous versions of the game, the player would very often change his mind after being unhappy. This is not the case with FM 2016?
The mentioned player does not have Leeds as a favourite club, however he does have me as favourite person. I already had the talk with him before I wrote this, and I told him that we would qualify, but he answered that this was not realistic.
#348137 Player wants to leave
8 years ago
5 years ago

I have just been promoted to the Premier League with Leeds, and I am, of course, very pleased with that. However, now my star player wants to leave for a club that plays European football. My contract with him ends in 2 years, so I hope I can make him happy before it runs out. Does anyone have a good way to please an unhappy player?
#346916 Need help finding a tactic with 2 strikers
8 years ago
5 years ago
Hello all!!

For a while I have been trying to make and trying to find a good tactic with 2 strikers. Can anyone please help me?

My strikers are all-round good, and works well at all roles except Complete Forward (guess they are too young).
#342386 FM2016 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v3.2 for FM16.3.1 [07/04/2016]
8 years ago
5 years ago
It doesn't really say that's the ONLY folder you should have, although I agree it could be worded better.

I run some 40 other files alongside it, for example, and they all work fine; you can keep your file alongside the one from this download and you should have no problems whatsoever...

Thanks again! Yes, I almost lost my own edits, due to that misunderstanding.... luckily I found the files in the bin
#342383 FM2016 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v3.2 for FM16.3.1 [07/04/2016]
8 years ago
5 years ago
Did you also install the editor data files? They are an integral part of this fix, as the vast majority of club name changes (including German ones) are changed within these files. These changes must be put into place BEFORE starting a new game, unless you want to use the process highlighted in the first post of this thread.

In step 8 it says that you should only have this folder (REAL NAMES.......) and a config file. Well, I have a file with my own edits. I would hate to have to delete that. Is that really necessary?
#342382 Problem with random pictures
8 years ago
5 years ago
Hmm, in this case it's probably for the best if you remove the whole folder.

Just make sure that, once you do, the preferences in-game look like this:


Sorry I couldn't be of more help

What happens if it doesnt look like that? And no worries! Pictures arent important.
#342377 Problem with random pictures
8 years ago
5 years ago
You could follow the steps outlined in the second part of this thread, but tbh if you're not really sure what you're doing, I'm not sure I'd advise you to do so.

Are you able to locate the folder in which the "legend" images are found in? If you were able to rename each filename to the respective person's UID in your save game, and send it to me, I'd be more than happy to create the config file for you

That is very nice of you, but to be honest my computer skills are are very limited. I tried to open and INC-file (doing what the first post in this thread says), but I have no idea which programme to use to open this INC file.
So what you are telling me are difficult to understand for me. What is UID? and yes I can find the folder with the pics, but I have no idea how to rename each filename to the respective person's UID in your save game. We are also talking about around 400 players, so it will be a lot of work to change them all. Wouldnt it be possible to remove the pictures? Will they be removed if I delete the addon which holds the pictures?
#342362 Problem with random pictures
8 years ago
5 years ago
Change the config file UIDs to the new ones, not sure if you know how to...

I appreciate the help a lot, but I have no idea how to do that.
#342360 FM2016 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v3.2 for FM16.3.1 [07/04/2016]
8 years ago
5 years ago
I just downloaded this, and it is now possible for Germany to use real players. However it did NOT fix the german club names. Brazilian club names are correct. Why is this not the case with the german clubs?
#342358 Problem with random pictures
8 years ago
5 years ago
This isn't really related to the update itself but rather to the way the game deals with new editor data.

Basically, UIDs of newly created persons aren't fixed and if you combine different editor data files (such as this download and your file), then the UID which worked when running just one editor data file will most probably not be the same.

So there is no way to fix it? I was only using my own database btw. I have downloaded an unofficial patch with a lot of Legends, But I was not using it in this save.
#342298 Problem with random pictures
8 years ago
5 years ago

I have made some old legends in the editor which I implemented in my game. After playing with them for a month or so with no problems, they all of a sudden all (the players made by me) have pictures of random (also old legends it seems) players on their profiles.
Can anyone tell me why this has happened? And perhaps how to remove it without deleting all my own work.

Many thanks in advance
#325899 Legends
8 years ago
5 years ago
Hello everyone

Is there somewhere I can find a patch with legends for FM 2016. I am speaking of famous players from the past? E.g. Pelé, Maradona, Maldini etc
Would be great to find a list of these players too if possible.
#325888 FM2016 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v3.2 for FM16.3.1 [07/04/2016]
8 years ago
5 years ago
Editor data files work in parallel, so you can have different files changing different things. The only exception is if you have changes to the same field of the same database entry in multiple files.

So if I have only made changes in the pregame database, it will not be touched by your licenses fix?
Thanks for you fast reply btw
#325878 FM16 Instant Result skin by Wannachupbrew
8 years ago
5 years ago
I apologise for the stupid question, but I want to be sure: This button makes it possible to skip watching the game, and get an instant result for the game? If so and if it works, it is a great add-on
#325871 FM2016 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v3.2 for FM16.3.1 [07/04/2016]
8 years ago
5 years ago
Hello all

I would like to know that if I implement the patch with name changes to my game, will it delete all the editing I have done in the database? I am talking pre-game btw.