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#462238 Editor File with more than 300.000 alterations
Gabriel Guedes Rodrigues
After billions of tests, an alteration in player rafael sobis did that. It was clicked that the player wanted to play in Brazil and had another click saying that he did not want to play in the Grêmio. The Game does not understand this because Grêmio is a team from Brazil. I took this change and it worked normally any database.
#462234 Editor File with more than 300.000 alterations
Gabriel Guedes Rodrigues
I thought that but it's not that.
The number correct about the alterations was 316.655 and when i do more any 5 alterations, the game doesnt work. As I said earlier, the editor works normally and the game doesnt work when the number of alterations arrives in 316.660.
So I think there is a alterations's limit.
#462189 Editor File with more than 300.000 alterations
Gabriel Guedes Rodrigues
I have a archive with more than 300k database alterations and when I open de game, occurs a crash dump. I have othe archive with 290k database alterations and it works normally in the game.
An important info: In the Editor, the archive with 300k alterations doesnt have any error.
The game have a limit about the number of alterations??