Wolverinee - Comments

#356300 SS 16/17 W.I.P. Thread
8 years ago
5 years ago
Well if there are enough persons willing to work on doing the leagues that could make sense but what if some of the people that make 12 leagues at a time are the same persons that make the lesser leagues ? what if there arent many others willing to do the low leagues ? that would be a longer wait. To be honest Im sure that there are enough people willing to do every league on the planet but its not guaranteed that they would be finishing them before those guys who have multiple leagues at a time on their hand, maybe their should be an other list for people willing to take some workload off other people s hands ? in reality i think the majority of people working on the packs dont let us wait that long after the game is released even those working on lower leagues and from what i see there is a good number of people willing to do the work, thats cool.
#355786 SS 16/17 W.I.P. Thread
8 years ago
5 years ago
they are working on it...not waiting list tho...i fixed. thanks for found it.

Thanks for your answer and thanks for your great work
#355686 SS 16/17 W.I.P. Thread
8 years ago
5 years ago
I Have looked at the WIP and i see that Malta Bov Premier League is marked as being worked on and also on the waiting list , which one is it please ?