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#732957 Structure Chile 2023 v4.0
Dênis Rabelo Moreira
Hello my friend. Does this update receive any updates?
#726011 Brazil - Promotions and Relegations Info
Dênis Rabelo Moreira
Did someone updated the data with this modifications? The brazilian leagues aren't correct, like @Captain said.
@Drafter , thanks for your time! “Futebol Clube Atlético Cearense”" isn`t in the Serie A, "América Futebol Clube" is. You swapped both clubs and the leagues.
Atlético Cearense is in Série C
América Futebol Clube is in Série A
#692468 [FM22] AroundTheGlobe - Megapack by DaveTheEditor
Dênis Rabelo Moreira
These updates can only be used on FM22
#570052 FM2021 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v4.0 for FM21.4 [released on 16/03/2021]
Dênis Rabelo Moreira
#471981 FM2019 Real Names and German National Team Fix File for FM19 v3.0 [released 01/03/2019]
Dênis Rabelo Moreira
I know! I don't say this. I das just asking for help um that situation. Thanks!
#471977 FM2019 Real Names and German National Team Fix File for FM19 v3.0 [released 01/03/2019]
Dênis Rabelo Moreira
#418441 FM18 Megapack 279 Updates by claassen (Final pack)
Dênis Rabelo Moreira
Doesn't have the Italy update?