FM24 Real Name Fix
FM23 Real Name Fix
FM24 New Leagues
FM23 New Leagues
FM24 Tactics
FM24 Data Update
FM Database
FM Guides
FM Shortlists
FM24/25 Update Wonderkids
FM24/25 Update Free Players
FM24/25 Update Bargains
FM24/25 Update Players to avoid
FM24/25 Update Club Budgets
FM24/25 Update Club Facilities
Installation Guides
Prediction League
Fantasy Football
#794621 FM24 Real Name Fix File v4.1 [23/05/2024] - DOWNLOAD AND APPLY AGAIN TO FIX ISSUES CAUSED BY NEW UPDATE
Thanks for your response. Just noticed that I said “files” instead of “folders”. I created the folders myself, obviously not the files!
Also realised that I'd only created the 2430 folder before, which I have now since rectified after going back through the instructions. This didn't solve the problem when I started a new save, though. Are those 3 folders really supposed to be there from the start? Strange. I've followed all the steps carefully and parts of it seem to have worked… Looks like the FMF files in the ‘editor data' folders work but those in my created folders haven't been recognised… Frustrating one.
Edit: Just to clarify, everything in these 2400/2430/2440 folders is supposed to be identical, right? No changes?
#794593 FM24 Real Name Fix File v4.1 [23/05/2024] - DOWNLOAD AND APPLY AGAIN TO FIX ISSUES CAUSED BY NEW UPDATE
Is there any reason why this might encounter problems when you have the “new squads/transfers” (downloaded from this site) installed too? The Premier League is still called “Premier Division” and the German NT is still made up of generated players, but club names have changed… I'm on PC and using the Epic Games launcher. My data is all saved in my sports interactive folder in my documents (so not program files like is typically advised). I had to create all of these data/database/db/2430 files myself, so I was expecting problems from the start. Most things seem to work, so my theory is that the problem is due to having files that might overlap data-wise in the “editor data” folder due to the transfers shenanigans.
Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated.