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#772703 Nolan Martens
T.O. Metz
Hey @mons
Yes, I'm aware about the collar but didn't know the fix in the video above. Dude's got a pretty long neck, FFS.
Thanks for the tip.
#681762 Jay-Dee Geussens
T.O. Metz
@mons Yeah, I tried but just couldn't seem to get it right with the hairs. This guy's been a difficult one for years 😀
#672449 André Remans
T.O. Metz
This picture is Herman Nijs, not André Remans.
#667641 Impossible to sell players
T.O. Metz
I'm having issues with this since FM21.
The only response I'm getting is that the player demands more salary than the clubs are able to pay. Strangely enough, I get the same message when I add the clause that I pay the majority of the player's salary in the offer. Also loan offers where I pay the salary and with a mandatory or non mandatory fee at the end (a low one!) aren't accepted.
Young players who don't have a future in my team and are still in my youth teams are wanted, by numbers.
I'm regularly getting a player who comes up to me saying he doesn't feel like he's good enough and wants to leave the club. Fine by me. Any offer is welcome. I TL him for half of his transfer value and nobody wants him. Even after being on the TL for that price for a year.
These are all players that have played a number of matches in my team, have avg ratings around 7.0, scored goals, gave assists and have no injury history.
They don't have high wage contracts. All of them have a sub 40k salary per month. Their contracts run for two years.
Nor me or my director of football is able to sell these guys.
I have loaded these leagues in my game and am playing with a large database.
Is anyone else having this issue? And if not: what am I doing wrong?
Thank you.
#659019 Carel Eiting
T.O. Metz
#601347 fmXML for Mac
T.O. Metz