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#805938 Extracting person names from databases?
Hope so. Would be nice to know exactly what parameters the game uses to determine name generation too. It might look at the region of birth to do Catalan names and so on. Think there are some regions of Russia etc that have their own set of names.
…I did eventually get a newgen named Buffon, too! 😛
#787456 Extracting person names from databases?
I always presumed the “common”-ness of a certain name was governed by how many times it appeared in the database. There will certainly be a lot more people named Mark Williams than something more out-there like Exodus Geohaghan, lol.
#787420 Extracting person names from databases?
Yeah. There was a file like that for one of the original Championship Manager games. There must be a list somewhere because I don't think it just goes off of people in the database; checking the names in a long-term save of mine with over 200k newgens, some people's names aren't used. Don't know if it's just because of RNG or if some names are excluded from the newgen list - haven't seen any new Italians named Buffon, for example.
#787395 Extracting person names from databases?
It's not really a problem to load up the editor, search a range of Unique IDs and find every person in the database that way, which is how I've been doing it - very very long process. Pain in the arse if ever there was one, but definitely still doable. I was just hoping there'd be a much easier and more automated way to go about it.
Might be a shot in the dark anyway since I've noticed some names aren't necessarily tied to a nationality but often sometimes a sub-region - Catalan names seem to be different to names elsewhere in Spain, for example. I just think it'd be a cool project. Just because a player disappeared from the database ten years ago doesn't mean the game should stop using his name for newgens, right??? Lol.
#787393 Extracting person names from databases?
Hey, lately I've been interested in working on a “newgen name pack” - i.e. adding a bunch of blank, retired players into the database with names of players from past databases in order to add more variety to the pool of names which newgens can use. Obviously, combing through every game's database manually to find every player is extremely tedious and takes a long time - doable, but certainly an incredibly long-scale project. I did notice this website has several databases available for browsing, so I was curious if all the name data could be extracted in a viewable format somehow. Even better if data can be retrieved from games before 2014. As good as the newgen name generation system is, I feel like it can always be better. Players from certain nations always end up having similar names through every save (looking at you, DR Congo), so this is a little something I wanted to try to breathe some more life into the game. Let me know if this is at all possible. Cheers!
#609662 "Use Fake Players"
And it got me thinking. Why not change the whole thing? Why not actually have the "use fake players" option generate a fresh new database of fake players?
For example, if you were to use the editor to take all the players out of every club in the English league system, and start up a new game with the "add players to playable teams" option, it would generate entirely new squads for them all, consisting of mostly English players (except for the Welsh clubs, of course). Likewise if you were to do it with the German leagues, you'd get fresh squads of mostly German players.
The only issue is that players generated this way have their CA and PA capped out around 130. Obviously this is perfect when using this option for its intended purpose, i.e. generating squads for leagues added through the editor with minimal squad information. You wouldn't have many players reaching that 130 CA cap if you were generating squads for teams in Zanzibar, for example. They also seem to have their age capped at around 30, which isn't as much of a big deal, but I'd like to see some more old-timers, lol.
So my idea is to add a new option that generates a new database of players, uncapped CA (but obviously the players' ability would be based on the reputation, facilities, etc. of the club they're at), based on what database size you selected. For example, a small database size with the Premier League loaded will obviously generate squads for all the PL clubs, but also some good players at relevant European clubs, the quintessential South American wonderkids, and so on. You could have it customisable, much like the database size option is now. Perhaps an option to pick and choose specific countries' leagues you want it to generate squads for, including the unplayable ones. I usually load the whole database of players into my game, so the ability to make squads for all the obscure unplayable leagues would be a godsend for me.
Personally I think this would give a really nice new angle to FM, where you step into an unknown footballing landscape and try to build a team from a world of players you don't know. Now, I realise this can be accomplished by simply holidaying many years into the future, but I think it'd be more convenient my way. No need to wait around until the game's simulated 30 years, or download someone else's save, you'd just start the game and every club has a fresh squad of homegrown players. The homegrown part is not that important per se, but I think it'd make it more interesting.
This is just something that's been brewing in my mind for some time. I made a post on the suggestions forum about it, so maybe SI have already vetoed it, lol. Just wanted to hear some other opinions on this, because I really think it'd make for some interesting new challenges.
#390609 Anyone have Gortop's FM to PES stats converter?