g00dman Activity

5 months ago
I always presumed the “common”-ness of a certain name was governed by how many times it appeared in the database. There will certainly be a lot more people named Mark Williams than something more out-there like Exodus Geohaghan, lol.
5 months ago
Yeah. There was a file like that for one of the original Championship Manager games. There must be a list somewhere because I don't think it just goes off of people in the database; checking the names in a long-term save of mine with over 200k newgens, so...
5 months ago
It's not really a problem to load up the editor, search a range of Unique IDs and find every person in the database that way, which is how I've been doing it - very very long process. Pain in the arse if ever there was one, but definitely still doable. I...
5 months ago
Hey, lately I've been interested in working on a “newgen name pack” - i.e. adding a bunch of blank, retired players into the database with names of players from past databases in order to add more variety to the pool of names which newgens can use. Obviou...
3 years ago
So, what's everyone's thoughts on the "use fake players" option? Personally I�...
7 years ago
Just wondering, I can't find it anywhere because all the links are down. Anyone have it lying around?