Mick O'C - Comments

#640557 Prediction League for Euros and Copa America
Mick O'C
6 years ago
3 months ago

Hey @Footygamer the Argentina vs Bolivia game is showing the result as 1-4 in Bolivia's favour and gave me no point for 3-0 prediction for Argentina.



#639119 Prediction League for Euros and Copa America
Mick O'C
6 years ago
3 months ago

Hey fellas,


I see a small issue in the results and points awarded form the Brazil Peru game. I guessed Brazil to win 3-0 and they won 4-0 but I got no point for the correct winner. All other fixtures so far have worked correctly, this game seems to be showing up twice in the list with the team names in the opposite order the second time which could be causing the issue.


I attached a screenshot. In any case it's a minor enough issue compared to what happened to Eriksen.