stuart1976 Activity
Player Name: Timothy Fosu-Mensah
Player ID: 37051102
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 37051102
Player Name: Josh Doughty
Player ID: 28105591
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 28105591
Player Name: Ro-Shaun Williams
Player ID: 28104391
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 28104391
Cheers Tom I'll have a look when I'm back in .
Hi guys just wondering if anyone else is waiting on their code. I bought mine on here through Nexway looking back I have had no correspondence from them not even a confirmation email for my payment although the payment as been made on paypal I do have a o...
By hammer9 | On 01 August 2015 - 23:12 PMwill do but we haven't release Premier League 15/16 pack yet tho...better wait...
Hi Hammer could you alter this for the next update when you have chance please ? Best regards Stuart
Hi guys here's a better image of the new United shirt when someone has got a minute do you mind creating it thanks in ad...
By VP. | On 02 June 2015 - 21:13 PMBest to use this pack for the smaller pics, no idea whats gone on with Chelsea there thoug...
hi mate all seems to be working great apart from a few pics Leicester and stoke just show seats and villa and Chelsea are lik...
Hi guys if this helps new Man Utd home shirt
By JL94x4 | On 01 February 2015 - 18:25 PMNo injuries are changed in our update.
You can create a file via the editor to do...
Do injuries get updated ? Man Utd seem to have loads in latest update and only Carrick injured thanks in advance KUTGW
Hi guys
I cant get this to work either I had to create the panels folder in my documents/sports interactive/footballmanager...
Cheers Mons
Hope 7.0 onwards is as successful as 6.0
Pr0 - just noticed Tim Sherwood is still Spurs manager and Mauricio Pochettino as assistant.
StevoRobbo - I had the same pro...
Pr0 just a quick one mate
There seems to be a conflict as Man United Assistant Manager , Scholes is set as Assistant manager...
Just alter the budgets yourself Kieran. or get a rich sheik youll be used to that
Nice one Pr0 as always
Downloaded & applied 6.01 but all my faces have gone from my current game. I have also reloaded skin on confirm of change...