Bùi Nguyễn Hoàng Thọ Activity

3 years ago
Hey guys. Sorry for long time. But recently i have some struggle on my life and i decide to take a pause of my work (porting database transfer file if you know what i mean) until summer transfer this year. I hope you guys can understand Thanks you an...
3 years ago
Speaking of which. I notice, some players are not available in Fm2021. Example on transfer of Wolves in winter update, Hayao Kawabe is not available on FM2021. Can anyone help me to deal with it?  
3 years ago
It done already. But i need sometime to edit some small detail that fit leagues team in real life. Example: i need update current coach/captain of every team in every league that FM have. It spent a lot of time. 😀 
3 years ago
Hey . Thanks for tag me. Actually im working on my personal transfer project. I'm porting/merging) from pr0 FMF update file ( currently he working on Fm2022)Demo images: (this is my latest transfer window update for Fm2021).Using Pre-game editor.Problem:...
3 years ago
Hi guys. May i ask about update? . Today i'm downloading the mega pack ( 15.8GB) . And i see a lot of changes file like sortitoutsi_cutout_megapack_2022.0x.rar(1 to 4). Do i need to download of all files change? Or only download the latest change (nu...
3 years ago
Hi guys. I just get the FM2021 version yesterday due Epic Game Store Prime. I'm really love it. But one that concerd me is about database transfer windows. I really want to make my save get latest transfer window players. So i just wonder . Are there any...