QWERTYOP80 Activity
How do I cancel my premium membership?
How do I cancel my premium membership?
I’ll try again - how do I cancel my premium membership? 😉
How do I cancel my ”premium“ membership? I don’t want another penny going to this.
That solves everything then. 😉
Still stuck. So essentially I’ve paid money for ”premium membership“ to be badly lead through a process using a years old instructional video (that leaves out crucial details like using Winrar!) that has completely screwed my laptop up. Furious beyond bel...
Half an hour. Still stuck. Something about this process has utterly wrecked my laptop. Absolutely enraged.
20 minutes now. Absolutely maddening. What has this done to my laptop??!!
Right, so I waited for Winrar to do its thing & then moved the file into a newly created graphics folder like the video said, and then my laptop froze up, so I was forced to reboot, and now my laptop won’t boot up. Brilliant. I’ve been stuck at the fo...
Thankfully saw the trial version after my post. Extraction in to the “sort it out SI” folder underway. Presumably this part takes a while!
It's quoting me 30 notes to download winrar. Is that right?!
Apologies if this is posted in the incorrect place. Please move if needed. I've just paid for premium membership to download Facepacks for FM22 for the first time, and I've made a complete pigs ear of things clearly and seemingly need walking through this...