NathDaws Activity
Stuck on this screen again
I removed the editor data mod for now but below is my Football Manager Folders and the Editor data although it's empty Editor Data Folder Football Manager 2022 Folder
Yep Just made a brand new Newcastle save, I fully deleted the mods in editor data and i could progress my game normally
So I'm trying to download the Data Update into my game i put it into ‘Editor Data’ section in Football Manager 2022 I load the game up and start a new save and i get stuck on the screen below Stuck On This ScreenAfter a while it lets me go to this sc...
So I'm Trying to add the recent transfers into Football Manager 2022 i placed the downloaded folders into my ‘Editor Data’ Section of FM 22 and make sure it's selected when I start a new save whenever I start this save I'm able to create my manager...