Vyrida Activity
@mons sry for my missclick its Jakub Divis ( 25006360 ). Can you deleted and resend to his game face profile thx 🙂
@mons You probably forgot to add these my 2 new faces pack in the last update. So maybe next time… 😀
Football Manager database is using his name incorrectly… His real name is Oleg Kuzmianok
miss click :/
@mons I used the source code of the football team site and found the HQ photo. I often do that instead of downloading photos from websites
Just choose the better face for you for the new coming facepack update 🙂 @mons
This guy died in 2017 but he's still in the football manager database… :X
just a delete ‘’snow'' effect… 🙂
Missclick, delete first younger photo 🙂
Tell me how can someone cut out a face photo from photos that have a resolution smaller than the calculator display? Use common sense sometimes.
low res is miss click :X sry
Better cut i upload first oldest pic :X sry
Some faces are here but in-game is still missing. I upload high resulation same picture 🙂
First image delete i try Automatic relosution enchancer for lowrest team picture and its sucks. Second picture is better, find on his instagram 🙂
Missclick sry…
That's true, but maybe it will return to the database in the future. There are several people to whom this happened. Today he was in the Czech studio at the final match of the world cup QATAR, so I remembered that he did not have a photo. 😀
Huuups when i upload my full facepack I did not see this face is already online. Sry admin, delete my double, thanks 🙂
Admin choose better face… I think both are OKAY 😀
idk which is better, admin its your choice 🙂
Missclick, upload bad source
What can I do with the photo, if the search engine does not find this ID in the database, so I can not upload the photo, but it is in the game? Tt happens to me very often, especially with referees. 😢
I know. It's not the first time I've done this 🙂 But the first time I did it, I tagged about 100+ faces at once and then had to manually sort them image by image. I'm paying attention now. 😀 The next one will probably be tonight.
Yes 😀 thanks
If someone knows how to help photoshop remove the stupid letters from his face, I would be grateful.
I find better photo on his Twitter account
Same guy but idk which his photo is better 🙂 Your choice admin 😀
Ohh, im little late 😀 Thank you for correct my mistake.
@mons I'm so sorry, but this player has the wrong ID number. This ID is for a Maldivian forward and the photo is for a Kenyan defender with the same name. Admin can you correct my mistake. Thanks 🙂 It's strange, but a web search engine only found this ma...
idk https://media-exp1.licdn.com/dms/image/C5603AQEoI3CvkhnmJA/profile-displayphoto-shrink_800_800/0/1613327775803?e=1672272000&v=beta&t=XDr0Tc8JFGbgP_pBiY797OjHM1AFiiS8y6GT7S_61t0 you can try 😀
oops, I can miss it sometimes. I try to keep that in mind. Today I wrote emails to several Czech teams asking for high resolution photos, so I hope they will send me players that are missingů….
oh i see it now i forget sometimes i'm sorry. I'm glad that someone is monitoring the quality here
I know this is old yesterday picture. I use right resize for new faces now, sry
I hope this face cut is finally ok 🙂
Ohh oki, I'm so sry this is my first faces cut try… Anyway, thanks for videos i try do it better next time 🙂
miss click sry :X