shenryo Activity
Legend. Thank you.
Hey @flut - came across another issue in the in-game engine that I was hoping you could help me with. I had the same issues in FM22 and you told me which code to alter. I have tried the same here, but to no success. The match in between highlights pa...
7 alt for player overview panel with default SS Kits
Thanks mate, you're a gem. Just to confirm, the alternative viewpoint won't work for me without that bug of missing stats?
Oh, I just coped the alternative files across from FLUT version 8. Have I the wrong download? As for the default view, could you tell me which line in playeroverview panel will let me move the weight across. As you can see, it's currently all bunched...
and next image
Hey @flut - as always, love the skin. Been using it for years, but seems I've come across a problem. When I change to the alternative player overview, I seem to get the following pages on occasion, main stats missing. I click out and go back in and they'r...
A ha, that looks much better. Thank you, Sir!
Hey @flut - sorry to pester with another question - small thing, but how can I centralise the stats in pic? At the moment, they run off to side rather than below. Or, is this the intent? Thanks
No worries at all matey. Thanks for your efforts 🙂
Apologies @flut - I mean the line at the bottom with footballs on - the time-line, if you will. In previous releases it has been at the top. For me, it seems a little lost at the bottom when viewing highlights. Does that clear it up?
Oh, and is there a way to take the bottom goals panel to the top like it was in previous skins? Where you can click on goals, etc. Seems a bit lost down there, I feel. Thanks
Hey @flut - could you please tell me how to move the top header along so that it fills the screen? Which xml file and code do I need to play around with? Cheers buddy.
Ahhhh, what a shame. No fix or workaround?
best skin in town! Thanks @flut One thing though, any chance of a Japan clubs overview fix?
By shenryo 10 May 2021 - 22:17 PM UTC Can't stress enough how much I appreciate the replies to...
By flut 10 May 2021 - 20:34 PM UTC - Go to match full time review panel.xml and in line 460Repl...
Sadly noticing a few issues as I progress. Love this skin, so will try to persevere, but another thi...
Also, Flut - is there a way to make the top panel a little bigger - feels small in game
By flut 09 May 2021 - 23:42 PM UTC Yes. In that panel. Try to increase the value 1573 in the fo...
By flut 09 May 2021 - 23:42 PM UTC Yes. In that panel. Try to increase the value 1573 in the fo...
By flut 09 May 2021 - 23:42 PM UTC Yes. In that panel. Try to increase the value 1573 in the fo...
By flut 09 May 2021 - 23:22 PM UTC You should still trying to increase the value (I don't know...
By flut 09 May 2021 - 20:30 PM UTC That problem is also due your screen resolution.You should g...
Ok, all that help worked, but got myself into the match engine and think the boxes on my screen are...
Thanks again. That is amazing help.
By flut 08 May 2021 - 21:03 PM UTC Hi. Thanks!!!Regarding your questions: Go to person sna...
Absolutely amazing skin - as always - and thank you. Apologies if it has been covered, however, but...
Resaving the files in 2018 and exporting uncompressed into xml has worked. Thank you. That has saved me hours. Really appreciate the help.
OK, some files have worked. The ones I have been able to export into xml load up fine, but the dbc ones won't load. I will try resaving them now and see if that helps. Thanks so much.
I have tried that but they just keep saying "Could not load file" - any further ideas?
Hey guys,
Trying to start a new game and had hoped to export some of the custom data I had created from my 2018 game. I have some wonderkid fmf files for example that I have created and wanted to bring into FM 19. However, the FM 19 editor doesn't e...