marcss.34 - Comments

#647497 3D Kits Viewer (FM18-21)
11 years ago
3 years ago

@DokteurHaisse  @wfm18  
Guys, let me show a thing in this update. I found a bug in this version.

Shor sleeves with bug
long sleeves OK

On the back, notice that the 'short sleeves' option is not fitting the thin strip, the 'long sleeves' option is ok and before you ask me, yes the png file was designed with its proper positioning and spacing correctly, I'm going to attach to use as a reference if you wish.
I know it's just a matter of visualization and it doesn't influence the game, just leaving an observation, so that if the author wishes to review it in the future.


#643083 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
11 years ago
3 years ago
By Hajdučki sin 20 July 2021 - 18:47 PM UTC 

Big pack from Brasil - include new Seria A,B,C,D and lower league clubs (thanks to @priority76  for some clubs). All in one place! Thanks also to Magrao and Marccs 34 for kits



I request the removal of this post and exclusion of the link, because we from the FManager Brazil forum were not consulted and therefore we do not authorize the creation and especially the distribution of this megapack, we only agree to single posts on other sites.

You have a bad habit of acting without asking first for permission, and that's a big hindrance to our community. There is a reason for we not launching a megapack in Brazil or for posting in assorted ways, which is precisely to make it difficult for third parties to sell 2D and 3D kits in Brazil. Don't bother us, because you're not even a kit creator, you just know how to keep request us to create, which leads me to suspect that you're one of those who sell megapacks.

And i won't be arguing about or raising accusations, i just want the unauthorized content removed and the matter closed.

#630852 Stadium Edits - FM21 - V1.0 [29/08/2021] out now!
11 years ago
3 years ago

That option exist a long time ago in FM21 pre-editor. What we really need is a visualizer in pre-editor. At moment we just have FMRTE with a viewer option and isn't too good. Hope for viewer in the future or someone launch a free editor.

#628258 Inter Milan new logo
11 years ago
3 years ago

nice. ty.

but a tip… small logos needs to be centered in an area of 25px wide X 18px height to better fit ingame.

#625580 FM21 Adboard Patch - V1.4 [22/09/2021] Update out now!
11 years ago
3 years ago

@rabcp  more adboards to add in package.


Bolívia (Nacional League) Copa Tigo 2021

Download : 

#624591 [FM21] Podium MOD recolor
11 years ago
3 years ago

To those who are having difficulty installing, i updated the installation instructions in the first post.


i believe who got problem in installation are for put wrong name. the corrent file name are…  podium_01_[al].dds and podium_02_[al].dds

#624431 Brazil - Serie A 3D'2020 for FM20/21 New! (16/10/20)
11 years ago
3 years ago
By priority76 16 February 2021 - 17:20 PM UTC 

Looks like word about the kits viewer hasn't yet spread to Brazil. 😁


ahhahaha the logo is easy to fix… but… praise the cainã logo in the sleeve to fit 100% nobody praises. Is very hard to do some teams because sponsor in some teams use these shoulder + sleeve logos. 😂

#623916 FM21 Adboard Patch - V1.4 [22/09/2021] Update out now!
11 years ago
3 years ago

@rabcp  Thank you for inserting my 2020 Brazil Adboards project in yours.

So im now posting the Brazil Adboards 2021. It has new adboards for the state championships that have already started in 2021.

In the .txt files i preferred to separate it to make more easier for you to merge with your project.

I just ask you to keep the ID's that I created, as this way facilitates my creation so as not to conflict ID's between our two projects. Thank you!

And when the other championships start in Brazil, I’ll update them.

#617996 3D Kits Viewer (FM18-21)
11 years ago
3 years ago
Black boots to editor... Nothing important, but usefull to who wish do screenshots or dont like base colours.

paste the below image in viewer folder: \src\model\fm21\textures to fm21 version.
#617059 .
11 years ago
3 years ago
I wont be drawn into an argument but in answer to your question

where are saying that this area is exclusive to a single project?

" Football Manager Adboard Patch
The Football Manager Adboard patch adds awesome new graphics to the Adhoarding's in Football Manager (that's the adverts that appear around the pitch) to make your match experience even better “

The title of the forum is the "Football Manager Adboard Patch", so the title says that the forum is exclusive to this patch. And for what it is worth I am delighted that more people want to contribute, the more people who help out the fresher the content.

Apologises if you thought I was being aggressive or arrogant, that was not my intention

by me, without problems and matter resolved.
#617057 .
11 years ago
3 years ago
@marcss.34, the adboard patch forum was created specifically for rabcp's file. As a result, this thread should not be in there as it risks confusing other users wanting to use it and not knowing how to.

rab's response absolutely did not warrant this kind of response from you and frankly, if it's humility you want to talk about, you might do well to have a good look at the mirror yourself. If you want to be part of this community, which provides free FM-related material by anybody to all who wish to download, you are to have a bit of manners and community-minded spirit, neither of which you appear to possess in abundance. While we welcome your work and all of those who wish to contribute, these kind of posts addressed to moderators are not acceptable and in this case certainly not based in any form of reality. If you want to be part of this community, please make sure to engage with the community and respect what staff members tell you.

1) As I said in a post above, nowhere is it described that this area is exclusive to his project. So don't try to invert those who are right, because if it's not in the description, I'm not obliged to guess that here it is exclusive to just one project.

And they are not talking to any ignorant, I know that you are going to defend him because he adds with a big project for the site and I am just a mere user that if my account is blocked, tomorrow no one will remember me.

However ... I suggest changing the description of this sub-forum only to by rabcp or creating a sub-forum for him to post and his project. Even because there is no logic to exist a respective area for this content and not being able to post in it.

2) If people find it difficult to install, the author of the project / post, the staff or another user who knows how to proceed, should explain how to proceed, that of "creating confusion" I'm sorry but it is an unfounded justification on your part.

3) I am not the one who got a reputation for being arrogant, not least because I am old on the site, I have been following for years, but recently I decided to post my own content.

4) Again talking about humility and education, you are offended by anyone speaking harshly. That's why the world is so boring today. They do what they want, but they can't take it when someone takes a more incisive position.
#617051 .
11 years ago
3 years ago
The whole point of this sub forum is for one particular patch, not adboard’s in general, adding other content just leads to confusion, as due to complexity of the xml file its not like people can use 2 or 3 different patches at the same time as they can with kit styles for examples. I was not trying to sensor your work or monoplosie adboards...

I have never once claimed to ‘own adboard’s’, if you have an issue a PM would have been more appropriate rather than public insults…

why didn't you send me MP with arguments before?
Do you do the wrong thing and still want to be victimized?
You posted I replied, that's all.

I'm pasting the name of this session like this right now on the site ...


Description of area :

" Football Manager Adboard Patch
The Football Manager Adboard patch adds awesome new graphics to the Adhoarding's in Football Manager (that's the adverts that appear around the pitch) to make your match experience even better "

where are saying that this area is exclusive to a single project?

Regarding complexity, if you make a material available and do not have the competence to explain to users how to install, the problem is not mine.

In several posts from the past seasons you sound arrogant, i ask you to be humble, be humble boy.

The way you behave demonstrates that you don't want other people creating free content. Something that should be happy, motivational, ends up becoming boring by people who behave just like you. Who are authoritarian and think they own free things.
#617047 .
11 years ago
3 years ago
I have moved this to the 'Other Football Manager Graphics' forum for now to avoid any confusion with the 'FM21 adboard patch', however, I would be happy to add this content to the 'FM21 adboard patch' with your permission?

Stop it, extremely unnecessary to remove content that is consistent with the area.

I know you’ve created several adboards from past seasons, but respect the other creators who also want to create.

The design of adboards is NOT JUST YOURS. It belongs to those who want to contribute. And we don't need your approval. We create, post, users download, install and if they have questions, ask, and we guide how to proceed.

So there is no need to move it to another area, because the way you behave, it shows an arrogant personality where only your project, its content and just your way of thinking and acting is correct. Only it is not so. Just think about what I said.

And about you adding to your adboard megapack, you can, as long as you keep the same way i coded. Because changing my ID's will mess up my creation order.

This type of attitude behavior and discourages any content creator.
#617039 .
11 years ago
3 years ago
#615725 3D Kits for Other Leagues in the Champions League of Asia, Africa and America
11 years ago
3 years ago
Some are old, some are new

I published it only when I needed it,

Many teams can't find any material for their jerseys

So it's better to use the old one than not having one

No one published the jerseys I sent to these teams. Take them away if you need them, and don't delete them if you don't need them

If new materials cannot be found, create them. But don't mix old and new things, it makes people believe they are new kits. At least put a date on what's new and old in your post, so don't confuse people.
#614980 [FM21] Podium MOD recolor
11 years ago
3 years ago
So guys, i've been editing some .DDS files from FM and i also decided change the podium. Below i leave the ingame image of one of the podiums that i edited for viewing ...

I will also leave the template file to edit in photoshop, however, it is necessary to save directly as .DDS or save it in .PNG and convert it to .DDS on the website and rename the file to podium_01_ [al], because the convertio site messes up the name after the conversion.

Template: Download | Recolor Model: Download | POR Version Template: Download | ENG Version Template: Download

Below the models of Recolor, POR and ENG podiums, when I reach the final I post the print for you to see ingame.


1) Just paste the podium_01_[al].dds file into Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\mesh\cut_scenes\textures\
2) Duplicate and rename the second file it to podium_02_[al].dds

Follow the same windows instruction, just change the path to ...
Users /YOUR Mac USERNAME/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2021/mesh/cut_scenes/textures

Note :
It is necessary to restart the FM for the new podium to be loaded.
It is necessary create the sequence of folders : mesh/cut_scenes/textures if they do not exist.

Tip :
[i]to test the card, save the game under another name before the final match starts. This way you can test more quickly.
#614490 3D Kits Viewer (FM18-21)
11 years ago
3 years ago
It would be possible to insert an option in the viewer to export in png format eliminating the background???
So that we could just create the 3D kit and obtain the 2D kits automatically. I'll leave a picture below for a better understanding of what I thought ...

what do you think of this idea/option?
#613537 Cameraman recolor in stadium
11 years ago
3 years ago
Where do you put the file, textures?

C:\Users\xxxxxx\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\mesh\cameraman_sitting\