daz1969red Activity
So for Logos for instance it is your standard, Sports Int, FM2020, Graphics, Logos - then kits follows suit, SI, FM20, Graphics, Kits - Skins is SI, FM2020, Graphics, Skins
That’s it basically, everything in there extracted etc
Folks, played FM for many years, bar last year and have always added kits, logos, skins etc. Absolutely cannot donut this time. Using PC, downloading, extracting etc, putting into Graphics/Kits folder and so on. No joy and yes, have ticked the right prefe...
By PF-FM | On 30 April 2014 - 09:08 AMI've started a new save with Brentford in League 1 and until now it works great.
By mons | On 18 March 2014 - 20:17 PMIt's probably best if you post a screenshot of your kits folder so we can see clear...
By Tyrion Lannister | On 18 March 2014 - 12:14 PMok to walk you through it, downloaded kit files to-
my documents/sports int...
By Tyrion Lannister | On 18 March 2014 - 10:48 AMare all your other graphics downloads working?
yeah, seem to be, got club b...
Have never had problems with kits, logos, badges...........
Got new PC, so started over completely fresh - on FM14 now got al...