FM Bard Activity
This whole debacle has been handled so badly by SI. There has been an arrogance about the way they do things for too long, that's not directed at staff its directed at the Studio head. But, to suggest the game is done because of these failings...
Also nervous about the UI changes. SI are more than capable of making a misstep here. I accept the logic to finding a more flexible UI and something that can work console/mobile and PC. As a PC player I want the detail, I don't want a watered down version...
I believe I have a complete version of the mega pack. This guy is on the website but absent from the file I think?
Hey Sas, Not sure if I've spotted a bug. Has the matchday background changed in the training schedule? It's now quite difficult to spot the matches.
Yes, the door was also inactive. Just changed skin to get past it then switched back. Cheers
Played with the skin for 3 seasons on a beta, no issues. Started a new save with the latest version of the game and can't get past a single match. Anyone seen this screen or had this issue? IThe game is still running but the screen is locked.
Hey @sasmaz Thanks for your work, ignore if you are too busy. Interested if there is a way to remove the CA/PA from player profiles? Cheers.
Have been using mods forever but I have to confess I'm slightly confused with the file structure. What do we use? Cheers
Thanks @Kinmar have amended the config files and sorted. Cheers 👍
Question, the Man U logo has disappeared in game. Using the Flut Skin and I have the logo in the correct folder etc. Has something happened recently to prevent it being displayed?
From the notes above - - "REALISTIC INJURIES" Injuries are already higher compared to FM21. After a proper evaluation I will decide if it's needed or not. Currently I wouldn't recommend it as player development is slower. A file would lower the progress a...
Thanks for the reply. So, am I correct to think we can't combine FC and SS we just need to chose which to use along with the appropriate “kits” folder? Cheers.
Hey @flut Thanks for this. I have set up the FC12 kits for titlebar/Overview and individually for the clubs. All without issue. I was going to add a few SS kits to replace a couple of leagues that are currently missing and followed your procedu...
FYI - Direct download hanging at 12MB with a “Failed - Server Problem” notification.
It'd be useful if people could resist asking questions that are almost certainly being worked on. Likewise, posts like the “1.2?” ones are more than a little bit insensitive towards the effort being put in behind the scenes……
Thanks @rabcp 👍
@flut Massive thanks. I just don't play this game without your skin and know there's a lot of time and effort that goes in to releasing this and managing all the questions and queries that follow. You are much appreciated.
Thanks @mons It's the first time I've ever stopped to think about it…. 😂
I haven't started a save with FM22 yet but just looking around the game in Polish leagues it seems to include some faces that look more recent than the facepack. I guess there isn't a way of keeping more recent faces already in the game? Cheers
I'm hoping they do an update with more faces. They repeat quite frequently after a season.
I downloaded yesterday but hadn't installed. I just scanned the file with Bitdefender and it's clean for me. I believe there are cases of false positives with Wacatac.B!ml
Apologies for asking this….if you're already at 13.15 are you up to date?
I'm pretty sure we'll all be saying this is nothing more than UI changes when we get our hands on the game.
Deadline day won't improve if the SI don't sort out the AI. It's just too easy to sign top players, quite often for nothing. Unless AI squad building and tactics improve its a waste of time. I'm constantly try not to pay too much attention to what's...
By w0lf3 11 October 2021 - 22:06 PM UTC The free upload sites you have limited the choice to ar...
Thanks for so much hard work Flut. Really, really appreciated. If I could ask one more th...
By ticcolo 12 March 2021 - 02:32 AM UTC How do I properly do the update on Mac? Do I just repla...
By kad38 11 March 2021 - 22:11 PM UTC hi which link should download there are two please ? @rab...
Thanks @flut Amazing as ever.
Installed and looking beautiful. Thanks.
Essential add on. Thanks @rabcp
Some of these comments......patience.
By Priisek On 31 December 2020 - 19:46 PM UTCBy older version, what don't you like in newer ver...
Hi there. My favourite skin, thanks so much.
I'm using the NOCAPA skin from a few versions bac...
A reminder that the people that provide these amazing additions to the game do so for free and at th...
By arisen-magpies On 04 December 2020 - 23:47 PM UTCall the files are in PNG format?
do i just extr...
I hate being that guy but I'm not seeing that.
That's not to say I'm not seeing othe...
By Ganzoars On 04 December 2020 - 19:25 PM UTCGreat skin! Really enjoying using it 🙂
One thing that...
By doh007 On 04 December 2020 - 19:41 PM UTC"texture" folder is where please?
By DemonSoul On 04 December 2020 - 12:31 PM UTCI refuse to start a save without this ill be waiting...
By MajesticEternity On 01 December 2020 - 05:38 AM UTCYes, It's in testing now.
Really appreci...
By Priisek On 03 December 2020 - 11:01 AM UTCI will be adding to the download a non capa version soo...
Thanks, Priisek.
I think the skin is great, the highest compliment I can pay it is its currently st...
By Footygamer On 27 November 2020 - 03:12 AM UTCIf you click the settings icon in the header and cho...
Personally, I love the new site, I'm visiting more than ever and utilising various features etc...
By kingrobbo On 26 November 2020 - 21:58 PM UTC
on game loading screen I have a ghost manager/invis...
I was looking at maybe doing this too. Do you know if the FM21 Data update introduce Ryan & Rob...
By FM Base On 26 November 2020 - 21:34 PM UTCThere are fixes available for both bugs. Can you tell m...