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Telegram Sam
Well, I mean.. You kinda are. We've finished ahead of you for how many seasons now? Seventeen is it?
Yes you have, you were the better team during the last decade, but saying in your shadow for not finishing above you is fucking hilarious at least for me. Like we're a shit club fighting relegation in Blue Square Premier.
Telegram Sam
If you were in the Blue Square Premier then we wouldn't even acknowledge you. However, seeing as you've improved in recent years, occasionally you just need reminding who the lesser North London club is.
Gonna be a nervous day tomorrow, really hope these Ozil rumours are true and then 2/3 others for squad depth. An attack of Ozil, Cazorla, Walcott and Giroud would be quality.
Telegram Sam
It's going to be a big day one way or another.
Shadow: An area that is not or is only partially irradiated or illuminated because of the interception of radiation by an opaque object between the area and the source of radiation.
That opaque object is Arsenal and the area is Tottenham.
You are in their shadow as long as you are under them.
Eric Portapotty
Number 1
It did look like a nothing incident but it always seems to be those sort of incidents that generate the worst injuries. Pretty gutting for him to get (potentially) a six month injury on his debut.
For now.
Telegram Sam
We've been the bigger club for what, thirty years now?
That's not going to change overnight.
Telegram Sam
Ooh, burn.
You'd think after a century they'd have gotten over it by now.
Twenty at most.
Depends how you look at it really, in terms of trophies we've simply been bigger for the majority of our professional existence really. Tottenham had a spell mainly through the early/mid eighties where their team was probably better. But there has never been such a gap as the one that Wenger created and Tottenham have never been a dominant force in England like Arsenal have been on two occasions. Though admittedly the second time was shared with Man Utd.
Arsenal have a total of 39 trophies, including league titles and European Cups, according to Wikipedia. Eleven trophies were won during Wenger era, which means you've had 27 trophies in your account before Wenger. We have currently 25 and since Wenger took over at Arsenal, we've won only one league cup, which means we'd have 23 trophies and you 27 if we exclude Wenger era. Which is not a big difference. You've been more successful domestically while we've also won European cups.
Telegram Sam
Why is it that you can't speak properly?
Telegram Sam
That would make sense.
Why would a French person support a million lower league clubs and follow Cricket though, thats what I don't get.
Telegram Sam
It would explain his awful grammar and spelling though.
Yeah, but not anything else.
I think he's either about 12 or is mentally handicapped, possibly both.
Telegram Sam
Maybe, but I'm struggling to think how else a probably English person writes that badly.
The Platypus
Edit: Probably not, considering the shoddy grammar.
I don't think he's either looking at his work in the graphics section.
Could still easily have some kind of learning disablity and still be good at the graphics stuff.