Telegram Sam
16 years ago
2 months ago
16 years ago
5 months ago
In regards to Hank coming to the conclusion Walt is Heisenberg.

Is it unreasonable that upon realising Walt at least cooked meth he recalled the identikit picture of Heisenberg from season 2(?) and decided to look closer at everything about Walt's situation since his cancer diagnosis?

To be that doesn't seem too unrealistic.
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
2 months ago
I've got a feeling that the new episode is going to be a good 'un.
14 years ago
11 months ago
I don't want to talk about this episode.
18 years ago
1 week ago
14 years ago
11 months ago
I know this makes me sound a little childish and impatient, but I really don't like how the episode ends. It seems pretty clear there's going to be Hank and the Mexican guy dying and it always works best with major character deaths if you let that be the lasting image. I mean I may be wrong and no one dies, but it's just such a cheap way to end the episode. The last two episodes (and at decent part of the next) could have been pushed into half the time. The jump from now to beard Walter White now only has three episodes to happen. Given how long they're taking just to play out a conversation per episode I'm worried that it's suddenly going to rush to a conclusion.

I'm still enjoying it and it's keeping me hooked, but I just feel like there's not enough time to tell the story. I really, really hope I'm wrong.
13 years ago
1 year ago
I've only seen s1-2 and honestly, don't know why people froth over this as much as they do. Guessing it got better s3 onwards?
14 years ago
11 months ago
It gets progressively better, from an insular character drama focused around the quest to look after a family into an epic piece of pulp fiction incorporating many larger than life characters and situations grounded by a superbly written core group of characters. It grows outwards in a very organic fashion, as opposed to starting big and burning out like Boardwalk Empire.
13 years ago
1 year ago
It gets progressively better, from an insular character drama focused around the quest to look after a family into an epic piece of pulp fiction incorporating many larger than life characters and situations grounded by a superbly written core group of characters. It grows outwards in a very organic fashion, as opposed to starting big and burning out like Boardwalk Empire.

Don't get me wrong, it's enjoyable and definitely seems to have progressed in character development and overall depth. I just didn't get that moment that made me want to sink my teeth right into it and prevented me from pulling myself away. I found myself more enthralled by something like Sons Of Anarchy which would leave watching and wanting more every time. Even though I know it's probably not as developed in an overall capacity compared to that of Breaking Bad.
14 years ago
11 months ago
I think it's the second or third episode in season two, where he meets Saul. That was the episode that got me.
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
2 months ago
I know this makes me sound a little childish and impatient, but I really don't like how the episode ends. It seems pretty clear there's going to be Hank and the Mexican guy dying and it always works best with major character deaths if you let that be the lasting image. I mean I may be wrong and no one dies, but it's just such a cheap way to end the episode. The last two episodes (and at decent part of the next) could have been pushed into half the time. The jump from now to beard Walter White now only has three episodes to happen. Given how long they're taking just to play out a conversation per episode I'm worried that it's suddenly going to rush to a conclusion.

I'm still enjoying it and it's keeping me hooked, but I just feel like there's not enough time to tell the story. I really, really hope I'm wrong.

Yeah, I completely agree with them not showing what happens/ who dies at the conclusion of the shootout. It all built up to that fantastic climax - I could tell something big was going down after Hank called Marie - and to rob of us of the ending feels a little cheap. I'm pretty certain Gomi is going to die, and if that is the case then it would have been much better to show him going down and maybe leaving Hank and Jesse's fate up in the air.

It was a good episode, even if the ending left me wanting more. No idea how it's all going to end.

Also, am I the only one who can't help but cheer Walt on? I'm so conflicted. After he killed Mike I was sure that I was now against him but at the end of this episode I realised I kinda wanted the Nazis to get Hank and Gomi whilst releasing Walt. I don't want his money burnt, and I don't want him to get arrested, but I don't know why.
13 years ago
9 months ago
Yeah, I completely agree with them not showing what happens/ who dies at the conclusion of the shootout. It all built up to that fantastic climax - I could tell something big was going down after Hank called Marie - and to rob of us of the ending feels a little cheap. I'm pretty certain Gomi is going to die, and if that is the case then it would have been much better to show him going down and maybe leaving Hank and Jesse's fate up in the air.

It was a good episode, even if the ending left me wanting more. No idea how it's all going to end.

Also, am I the only one who can't help but cheer Walt on? I'm so conflicted. After he killed Mike I was sure that I was now against him but at the end of this episode I realised I kinda wanted the Nazis to get Hank and Gomi whilst releasing Walt. I don't want his money burnt, and I don't want him to get arrested, but I don't know why.

I want Walt to live as I want both him and Jesse to walk free from it all. Jesse to start a life with Andrea and then Walt to move away with Skylar and Walt Jr.

When I was watching it I could not help but look at Brocks reaction to Walt as possibly he knows hes bad and so forth. Also whats with Brock eating breakfast but not Walt Jr
15 years ago
7 years ago
The flashforwards have, imo, really taken away from the drama of this.
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
2 months ago
I want Walt to live as I want both him and Jesse to walk free from it all. Jesse to start a life with Andrea and then Walt to move away with Skylar and Walt Jr.

When I was watching it I could not help but look at Brocks reaction to Walt as possibly he knows hes bad and so forth. Also whats with Brock eating breakfast but not Walt Jr

Walt will die, I think, but I'm not sure how. I just hope it's on his own terms and that Walt Jr. and Holly are able to use the money he's earned. That's how this all started in the first place.
18 years ago
2 months ago
Why is everyone using spoiler tags?
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
2 months ago
Why is everyone using spoiler tags?

I'm not sure. Should we not then?
18 years ago
2 months ago
It's a TV show that most people in the thread are fully caught up with. If someone is afraid of having their experience spoiled by learning a key plot point in advance they really shouldn't be in this thread at all.
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
2 months ago

So who thinks that Hank's dead?

I reckon Gomi's bitten the bullet but I'm not sure about Hank. I feel that the whole "I might not be home for a while" call to Marie might be some foreshadowing.
18 years ago
2 months ago
Honestly, I take the episode ending without resolving the shootout scene as a sign that Hank isn't going to die. If they were going to be honest and realistic they would have shown the deaths of both Gomez and Hank at the end, instead I think they'll just invoke the principle of evil marksmanship and somehow create a way for Hank to survive despite the fact that he should have been dead as a fucking dodo by now.
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
2 months ago
True. The Nazis looked like awful shooters.
14 years ago
11 months ago
Why is everyone using spoiler tags?

Because not everyone will have seen the episode and it's just courteous in case someone stumbles into this thread.
13 years ago
9 months ago

So who thinks that Hank's dead?

I reckon Gomi's bitten the bullet but I'm not sure about Hank. I feel that the whole "I might not be home for a while" call to Marie might be some foreshadowing.

I reckon Gomez is dead too but what I would like to see which would contribute to the ending I want is for Hank to be on floor with one of the group over him about to shoot him, Walt has a turn of fate and saves Hank from being shot which will lead to Hank helping Jesse and Walt get away from all the Heisenburg business only for Walts cancer to actually kill him a few weeks/months later
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
2 months ago
- Hank and/ or Gomez die in the shootout.
- Todd dies as well, meaning the Nazis have no cook.
- They try to force Walt to cook full-time, but he refuses.
- The Nazis kill Skyler after Walt goes into hiding.
- Jesse is kidnapped and is forced to cook in Walt's place.
- Walt (with beard) comes back to rescue Jesse, avenge Skyler and dies in a blaze of fire.

There's a lot of gaps in there but I think that'd be a pretty cool plot line.
18 years ago
1 week ago
I can't imagine how gutted I'll be if I don't like the ending.
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
2 months ago
I can't imagine how gutted I'll be if I don't like the ending.

I'm sure it'll be good. The writers have rarely let us down.
15 years ago
7 years ago
I think Hank will die. Jesse will see Walt's attempts to save his brother in law as a redeeming quality and then they'll both go after Meth Damon and uncle in vengeance. Also gives the series a chance for an ending that redeems Walt to a degree, if they kill Hank with him pleading them not to and he then takes them down in a blaze of glory as vengeance.

They've set up Hank's death perfectly with him acting like an asshole to Huell and then the 'I won't be home for a while' line. Can't see them not taking it.

It's a bit ridiculous that the Nazi brigade can't shoot anymore though, two or three episodes after obliterating a rival gang.
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
2 months ago
I think I'll be satisfied if Walt dies as punishment for his crimes but in doing so somehow redeems himself.
13 years ago
1 year ago
It's a TV show that most people in the thread are fully caught up with. If someone is afraid of having their experience spoiled by learning a key plot point in advance they really shouldn't be in this thread at all.

You can't just assume.

I've come into this thread for other reasons, having only seen s1-2 and enquired further. Obviously now that people have abandoned spoiler tags because of yourself it's now partly ruined and revealed aspects of the show which I'd rather avoid until watching myself. Which I'll probably do at some point when I'm done with other shows I watch.

As Fanny said, it's some common courtesy for those who are either late or haven't quite caught up.
The Platypus
14 years ago
2 years ago
18 years ago
1 year ago
Cheap, shit ending to the last episode. Feels like something Coronation Street would pull.

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