Metallic Logos Pack
Our Football Manager Metallic Logos Pack contains thousands more Club and Competition logos than any other megapack out there and every National Logo, Continental Logo and Flag in the game. It's kept regularly up to date to ensure you always have best and latest Logos to make Football Manager even more attractive.
- 432,610
- 2025.04 - Released on 04 Feb 2025
![Metallic Logos Pack](
I dont understand. If i want complete version I mus start with 2013.1 & end with 2014.1??
Ragazzo 1904
Thank you
If you have been using these for any length of time and are up to date with the pack then you just need the update as usual.
Once I get hold of FM14 I will sort out any resizing or differences in any way with the current version.
the last update was Update Pack - 2013.13 5969 Images 07-09-2013
so you just need to get the latest update -> Update Pack - 2014.1 2977 Images 18-10-2013
if you are new, suggest wait for complete 2014 megapack to be released instead
Also, what is the link for the last megapack and update packs?
i have no megapack i downloaded from 13.1 up until the last 13 update last night currently downloading 14.1 i noticed with the pack i have already im without some prem teams for example in the normal/backright/left folder i hope 14.1 has the logos i need
i just tried to download the full 2014.1 version from the (free) link, what i got was 125mb (the update instead of the full pack. an error perhaps?
Yea same problem. This pack is one big bug! There are missing five parts for first 13.1.
But sollution is that you download it from this torrent and after that you start downloading on this page from 13.5
- 32363 clubs
- 1860 comps
- 9 confeds
- 56 default
- 226 nations
it's correct ?? there are everything ?
then you can say how there is in clubs, comps (folders "normal) etc? thx
As I say. This pack is uncomplete so, unuseable!
Same problem here. Please fix this guys
Not far off at all, actually a few more than me and even though I have trimmed a few from my own folders over the last year you don't even look an update off.
Again though all I can say is that when I click to download the full 14.1 pack it's over 3.3 GB, so I can only assume that staff amd premuium menbers get first dibs due to the bandwidth needed.
Once I actually have FM14 I will make sure anything that doesn't wok, works
Patience lads please, it's only a game.
Patience lads please, it's only a game.
Thank's man... keep up the good work
But the problem is not with the torrent! The 13.1 link redirects only to one of its eight parts!
i've got all the updates of the fm13 megapack till 2013.13 (07/09/2013 was the last released).
so now i just need to download the 2014.1 only changes file and extract it to be up to date?
just want to be sure of it.
yea thats how it should work, i did the same but i have 140476 files instead of 142413 listed on the main page
would u mind telling me how many u have after the 2014.1 update?
I download 2014.01 megapack and get 140507
See, this is all stuff that I have no idea about and tbh we wont until we get the editor and resource archiver which will not be for 2-3 weeks yet.
Yep thats correct just like jeff2302 mentioned.
Also the links to the packs have been fixed and should work fine now thanks to the bossman
Also any figure around 140,000 files should mean you are up to date ok.
is it also possible to keep the in game faces and in game logos and add the downloaded logos?
because i am playing with rangers and the pictures are very good and i want to keep them.but every time i add the logo pack, the rangers logo is gone.
Sports InteractiveFootball Manager 2014\graphics\pictures\logos\Metallic Logos\Nations\small
I have all the pack downloaded + latest metallic_logos_fm2014_v1, but i have delete the config.xml file and config_bak.xml file i that folder