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12 years ago
10 years ago
Just a very quick question please.
Just received a mail from a friend who uses this site asking my why I posted an abusive topic? I've looked and I can't see it. Is this a wind up or what is happening.
I've never sent an abusive message in my life.
Must be a joke though as I can't find it. Any mod tell me what's happening? I'm often on this site. Never had a problem.

Thanks in advance

Deleted Account #151676
18 years ago
2 years ago
13 years ago
4 months ago
end it in the same

"thanks in advance"

12 years ago
10 years ago

Actually Tom, no it wasn't but it was used unknowing to me. I know who did write it though and why. I never log out of forum sites. Just put the page in 'favorites' so it's quick to open. Never thought my stepsons friend would do that.

As for being a Troll. Bit long in the tooth for that.

Can only say it's dealt with now and sorry for the upsets.

And am I a teacher? I've been teaching English for years at university here in Poland. So you could say I am a teacher.

Sorry for the terrible post. Fully understand the reactions.

18 years ago
6 days ago
Looks like it was a misunderstanding then.
12 years ago
10 years ago
Actually Poe it was not a misunderstanding. It was bloody mindedness by a friend of my stepsons. why, I wouldn't lend him my laptop to play a driving game, his computer is slow, mine an i7. He then decided to get me banned from forums. Fortunately I'm well known on a couple and a monitor mailed me to ask what I was doing.
At present I'm trying to persuade some sites it wasn't me but him. The sod knows I love playing FM so he chose mainly FM sites. But, fortunately a friend read the post. They were all copy and paste jobs and now all removed.

Of course I log out now. We live and learn right.

18 years ago
2 years ago

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