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99% of these have transferred fine but some of the teams have default kits which are showing instead - La Liga and Serie A are the main ones. Does anyone know where I can find these default kits to delete them? I would prefer my SS kits in there but not sure how to work this...
go SSKCC14 v1.7 - http://sortitoutsi.net/forums/topic/8714/some-kits-not-working-new-sskcc14-v10-for-fm14-17112013
can anyone help please?
wtf?! i look at your kits in folder was MESSED UP, wrong words, config will mixed up thats what your folders is...! lol....you should remove this pack.....go get download SS kits Liga BBVA pack.....also address path not right....why cant you look our SS download explain how to put kits in folder - http://sortitoutsi.net/downloads/view/7189/spain-la-liga-bbva-ss201314-new-050913
i dont know why u did wrong things!!
lol what is so wrong with it? All my kits are here and they all work for all league, only problem appears where there is a FM14 default kit for that team. e.g. the sevilla one I posted. I dont know where or how I can locate these default kits to remove them...
well, all kits are different type of kits like you have SS'08, SS kits, !!!! ..Sevilla was wrong....because you have 3 home kits!!!!! no away and you have 1 third kit!....should be ONLY ONE home kit....like sevilla_home (not sevilla_home2 & sevilla_homeb) so remove 2 home kits and check in config if it say only one sevilla_home then thats fine...if say 3 of them, remove 2 of sevilla_home2 & sevilla_homeb ok
yeah, different kits types due to keeping some stuff from FM2007 (which was last game I had loaded on this laptop). The other Sevilla kits ('2' & '3'
I just dont understand where these default kits are coming from as they are obviously linked to FM14 as this seasons kits!?!?
give me your folder and ill check them see whats wrong.
maybe config too older for 2014 thats you use 2007
Not sure if this will be the issue as it's only a problem where there are conflicting kits (mainly serie a, spl, eredivisie and spl).
Here is the config anyway if you want a look...
config is fine...you need remove 2 kits like i say above.
It's not just Sevilla that is affected though - it's the whole league. And Serie A, SPL, Eredivisie. All other leagues are fine which leads me to think that there are default kits in FM14 which are tied to the top league teams in this league and I cant see where to find them to remove them...?
tell me which one clubs have defaults kit?
why cant you download our SS Liga BBVA pack?
closed thread