Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack

Our Cut-Out Faces Megapack is the biggest collection of Football Manager Player Faces available. All players are available in the default cut-out style. When you download our Cut-Out Faces Megapack, you'll receive over 480,000 player faces to spice up your copy of Football Manager.

  • 489,095
  • 2025.03 - Released on 11 Feb 2025
Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack

17 years ago
7 months ago
Is it possible to create a version of this where you don't have to edit the config file, and instead regen faces are replaced automatically, and are divided by races / regions ?

I have a pack that works that way, but it has way less faces than this one.
15 years ago
1 year ago

32 Faces + 32 Icons (25x18) and config templates.

Place this folder in Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2014 > graphics.

Just choose a face you wish to use and open the config file with Notepad, find the line of code for the corresponding face and replace CHANGE_ME with the UID of your Regen and save the changes. Repeat this step with the config in the Icons folder.

Finally, go to "Preferences" and click on the "Interface" tab. Make sure that you tick the check box in the skin section called "Reload skin when confirming changes in Preferences" and un-tick the box saying "Use Caching to Decrease Page Loading Time". Hit Confirm.
17 years ago
7 months ago
haha love frankengens, great job as always
12 years ago
1 month ago
Has regen replacement been enabled again in FM14?

I seem to be having difficulty getting any replacements to appear
14 years ago
5 months ago
Has regen replacement been enabled again in FM14?

I seem to be having difficulty getting any replacements to appear

I'm guessing it works in FM 14, version 14.2.1. I was just able to change a regen face using the instructions in this thread and the blank config file linked here.

Just remember to reload your skin after, and if you follow the instructions it should work.
13 years ago
7 months ago
13 years ago
7 months ago
Is it easy to add to a pack? i want to add new faces to the auto regen pack? would ui just rename a pic wth the next number in the sequence and then add a new line to the config file?

EDIT: I think i've figured it out, so gonna add all the faces into the auto pack that arent there and keep the FrankenRegens for my own youth players i think suck
stoned raider
14 years ago
5 years ago
bullguard blocks me from downloading complete says host site carries malware etc
14 years ago
3 months ago
Hey folks, I am looking for some help.

I have replaced images using this pack for non-regens without any problems. I used the default config.xml file that Mons provided on the original post. Now, using the same config.xml file, I have added the needed lines of code to replace images for the regens. I have used the same folder for both the regen and the non-regens to hold the pics in, I have renamed all the pics to their respective UID's. The lines of code for both the regens and the non-regens are in the same config.xml file. Yet, I cannot get the regen pics to appear in-game. The non-regens work just fine, however.

I have tried everything that I can think of to solve my issue, but to no avail.

Any takers on this issue?

thanks in advance,
18 years ago
8 hours ago
Hmm, you've probably done this already but have you tried unticking the use skin cache tickbox and reloading the skin?
14 years ago
3 months ago
Hmm, you've probably done this already but have you tried unticking the use skin cache tickbox and reloading the skin?

Yeah - I have tried that -- hell, I've tried everything that I know of. I have some experience with the graphics side of things from making background packs some years ago... do either of these look "off" to you at all?

<!-- resource manager options -->

<!-- dont preload anything in this folder -->
<boolean id="preload" value="false"/>

<!-- turn off auto mapping -->
<boolean id="amap" value="false"/>

<!-- logo mappings -->
<!-- the following XML maps pictures inside this folder into other positions
in the resource system, which allows this folder to be dropped into any
place in the graphics folder and still have the game pick up the graphics
files from the correct places

<list id="maps">
<!-- TEMPLATE created by RowRow78 -->
<record from="1394686060" to="graphics/pictures/person/1394686060/portrait"/>
<record from="1394686063" to="graphics/pictures/person/1394686063/portrait"/>
<record from="1394685920" to="graphics/pictures/person/1394685920/portrait"/>
<record from="1394686562" to="graphics/pictures/person/1394686562/portrait"/>
<record from="1394686556" to="graphics/pictures/person/1394686556/portrait"/>
<record from="1394686568" to="graphics/pictures/person/1394686568/portrait"/>
<record from="29128425" to="graphics/pictures/person/29128425/portrait"/>
<record from="27091004" to="graphics/pictures/person/27091004/portrait"/>
<record from="705268" to="graphics/pictures/person/705268/portrait"/>
<record from="43091072" to="graphics/pictures/person/43091072/portrait"/>
<record from="553920" to="graphics/pictures/person/553920/portrait"/>
<record from="28036666" to="graphics/pictures/person/28036666/portrait"/>
<record from="28005833" to="graphics/pictures/person/28005833/portrait"/>
<record from="67071819" to="graphics/pictures/person/67071819/portrait"/>
<record from="5106496" to="graphics/pictures/person/5106496/portrait"/>
<record from="29076250" to="graphics/pictures/person/29076250/portrait"/>
<record from="1934708172" to="graphics/pictures/person/1934708172/portrait"/>
<record from="1934708176" to="graphics/pictures/person/1934708176/portrait"/>
<record from="1934708177" to="graphics/pictures/person/1934708177/portrait"/>
<record from="1934708171" to="graphics/pictures/person/1934708171/portrait"/>
<record from="1934708173" to="graphics/pictures/person/1934708173/portrait"/>
<record from="1934686569" to="graphics/pictures/person/1934686569/portrait"/>

And this is my folder...

I have UID's in this config that work (non-regens) and ones that don't (regens) -- I have even tried adjusting the ".png" for case sensitivity. Nothing works. Do you think I should just separate out the two types into different folders and config? That shouldn't matter though. Or does it?

18 years ago
8 hours ago
It all looks fine, I have to say. It could well be that SI have, intentionally or not, decided to disable the assigning of images to regens...
14 years ago
3 months ago
It all looks fine, I have to say. It could well be that SI have, intentionally or not, decided to disable the assigning of images to regens...

Curious as to how to tinker with that code...I am sure that there has got to be a way. Any ideas or leads as to where that is embedded in the coding?
18 years ago
8 hours ago
I'll be honest and admit I was never involved in the coding of this add-on and I have next to no idea what to do and how to do it
Luke Fitch
11 years ago
2 years ago
any idea if this works in FM15? Sick of those sims faces
Luke Fitch
11 years ago
2 years ago
Is it easy to add to a pack? i want to add new faces to the auto regen pack? would ui just rename a pic wth the next number in the sequence and then add a new line to the config file?

EDIT: I think i've figured it out, so gonna add all the faces into the auto pack that arent there and keep the FrankenRegens for my own youth players i think suck

Did this work?
18 years ago
8 hours ago
It should work, yeah...
9 years ago
1 year ago
Any new packs coming(love for variety)
9 years ago
1 year ago
Any new packs coming(love for variety)
12 years ago
1 year ago
so, the pack works great! thank you for that, however I have noticed that using it with FLUT FM17 skin the regen images happen to appear like 1cm above the overview pannel, any way of fixing where the picture is shown? like moving it in a X/Y axis? I can upload a screenshot if this is not clear!
18 years ago
8 hours ago
so, the pack works great! thank you for that, however I have noticed that using it with FLUT FM17 skin the regen images happen to appear like 1cm above the overview pannel, any way of fixing where the picture is shown? like moving it in a X/Y axis? I can upload a screenshot if this is not clear!

It's not a bug with the skin, but with the way the game itself displays regens...
12 years ago
1 year ago
It's not a bug with the skin, but with the way the game itself displays regens...

ok, so,,, no fix for this?
18 years ago
8 hours ago
ok, so,,, no fix for this?

I'm afraid not until SI fix it, no.
16 years ago
2 years ago
Anyone interested in starting up this project again? But for another purpose, to replace the regen hairs, so it get instantly randomised into the game.
Of course this task is to big to handle alone due to the duplicates it will generate over time. (We need a huge pool of images)

I made the "Deadwood regen hairpack" for FMSweden for the previous versions of FM, so i have great knowledge of the process of making.

Also this is essential for future regens, because SI always patch the regens headsize and (as for this year randomise its width and height).
For this work we would be safe for the future.
We can also change hairstyle on specific cut outs, change ears and eyes on them to make them look different.
18 years ago
9 months ago
Anyone interested in starting up this project again? But for another purpose, to replace the regen hairs, so it get instantly randomised into the game.
Of course this task is to big to handle alone due to the duplicates it will generate over time. (We need a huge pool of images)

I made the "Deadwood regen hairpack" for FMSweden for the previous versions of FM, so i have great knowledge of the process of making.

Hey, mate! I already started my own Automatic Regen Replacement thread. I'm not sure whether you mean hair pack or regen replacement pictures. I agree we need a huge pool of images. The problem is American sports are the only alternative available source for images and most of them cut-out pics fall under the category "euro", "afro" and "mixed race" which is not enough. I had some hopes on basketball video games like Pro Basketball Manager but the facepacks are 130x150 pixels or sort, most of them are really poor in terns of quality.

90% of my regens originate from the Cut-Out Megapack here, I spent over a month picking HQ images, the rest is the East Side Hockey Manager and the 2011 J-League facepacks. For now I think I'm goint to rely on the next versions of the megapack and eventually the Regens Replacements will grow, too.
16 years ago
2 years ago
Hey, mate! I already started my own Automatic Regen Replacement thread. I'm not sure whether you mean hair pack or regen replacement pictures. I agree we need a huge pool of images. The problem is American sports are the only alternative available source for images and most of them cut-out pics fall under the category "euro", "afro" and "mixed race" which is not enough. I had some hopes on basketball video games like Pro Basketball Manager but the facepacks are 130x150 pixels or sort, most of them are really poor in terns of quality.

90% of my regens originate from the Cut-Out Megapack here, I spent over a month picking HQ images, the rest is the East Side Hockey Manager and the 2011 J-League facepacks. For now I think I'm goint to rely on the next versions of the megapack and eventually the Regens Replacements will grow, too.

Mate thats excellent timing too.

So i was thinking about the issue of not enough faces, we could do something like this.

Of course it takes practice to make it good, but it took some practice making good haircuts too so.
18 years ago
9 months ago
Mate thats excellent timing too.

So i was thinking about the issue of not enough faces, we could do something like this.

Of course it takes practice to make it good, but it took some practice making good haircuts too so.

I know the technique but the results are nowhere great, I'm afraid, deadw00d. The problem is this mixing technique relies mainly on opacity changes between images, leaving shades between the color mismatched areas as you see in the third picture. Overall I'm against it.

I believe the code I wrote so far the Facegen in FM17 generates nearly 7000 unique player faces (over 500, the least, for each race) and about 2500 staff faces. That means faces can hardly duplicate in-game. Nonetheless I found duplicates in my Mongolian league test where every 8-10th generated staff was the same looking guy. The reason is my East Asian faces are so far low in numbers, given the absence of J-League license in Football Manager series.

Basically at this stage the number of faces is not an issue, it can only get better.
16 years ago
2 years ago
I know the technique but the results are nowhere great, I'm afraid, deadw00d. The problem is this mixing technique relies mainly on opacity changes between images, leaving shades between the color mismatched areas as you see in the third picture. Overall I'm against it.

I believe the code I wrote so far the Facegen in FM17 generates nearly 7000 unique player faces (over 500, the least, for each race) and about 2500 staff faces. That means faces can hardly duplicate in-game. Nonetheless I found duplicates in my Mongolian league test where every 8-10th generated staff was the same looking guy. The reason is my East Asian faces are so far low in numbers, given the absence of J-League license in Football Manager series.

Basically at this stage the number of faces is not an issue, it can only get better.

I agree, although the faces i created i did only for show.
I agree the best solution is real faces, problem will be (as i noticed myself) many players i recognize from european football.

But since regens are already "generated" faces, some made up faces imo would be fine (but maybe not for your work as you got your style already).

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