Telegram Sam
16 years ago
2 months ago
By Fantastic | Permalink | On 27 October 2012 - 17:51 PM
You thought it was interesting? How is it interesting?

Perspective. I don't really see how you feel you're in a position to lecture me about posting crap when you consider the amount of shit you spout on here.
13 years ago
6 days ago
Good evening,

Recently i formated my pc to windows 7 and the graphics guru stopped working. it is not loading the .xml files.
Any ideas pls?
14 years ago
11 months ago
By Telegram Sam | Permalink | On 27 October 2012 - 17:54 PM
Perspective. I don't really see how you feel you're in a position to lecture me about posting crap when you consider the amount of shit you spout on here.

I'm using perspective. When I post a video of a retarded man's dating tips, it's because it's whimsical. If I posted a picture of Neil DeGrasse Tyson or Christopher Hitchens with some anti religious bile then it isn't whimsical. Perspective.

So when you post a picture that aims to disprove the infallibility of god, it isn't whimsical, it isn't thought provoking. It's preaching. It's pandering. It's borderline sycophancy.

And I'm saying it's pointless and a waste of time, because there are few people on this site who believes, let alone the massive zero who actually publicise their beliefs. So yes, I am in a position to lecture you because you're trying to do something that is not only futile, but kind of offensive to the intelligence of the people who use this site.

17 years ago
11 months ago
The little starving kid obviously isn't religious so God is teaching him a lesson.
18 years ago
6 years ago
That kid needs to head down to KFC and get some chicken in him.
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
2 months ago
By Fantastic | Permalink | On 27 October 2012 - 18:01 PM
I'm using perspective. When I post a video of a retarded man's dating tips, it's because it's whimsical. If I posted a picture of Neil DeGrasse Tyson or Christopher Hitchens with some anti religious bile then it isn't whimsical. Perspective.

So when you post a picture that aims to disprove the infallibility of god, it isn't whimsical, it isn't thought provoking. It's preaching. It's pandering. It's borderline sycophancy.

And I'm saying it's pointless and a waste of time, because there are few people on this site who believes, let alone the massive zero who actually publicise their beliefs. So yes, I am in a position to lecture you because you're trying to do something that is not only futile, but kind of offensive to the intelligence of the people who use this site.


I didn't post that photo as a way of getting as those who are religious, Christian, or whatever. I posted it because I found it interesting and thought others might do too. I wasn't trying to inspire some sort of mass realisation through sharing a picture on here and I'm fully aware of the fact the majority of users on here aren't religious.

It offers some perspective of how some people are willing thank God for all of the little things that go their way, whilst conveniently ignoring all of the awful things going on around the world at the very same time. It's a perspective many people fail to have, and that's my view on it. I find that interesting and thoughts others might too, so I posted it. If you don't agree with me then fine, fair enough, but your chastising me posting something you dislike and have no interest in, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to post it.
14 years ago
11 months ago
Offers perspective to who? Who in this forum has benefited from this new perspective?

I feel like no one ever understands logic unless they already agree with it.

In hindsight I shouldn't have even bothered. Next time I'll just make forty fake accounts that quote the post saying "OMG YOU HAVE CONVERTED ME TO ATHEISM, THANK YOU FOR SHOWING ME HOW WRONG I WAS."
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
2 months ago
I wasn't trying to convert anyone, clearly. I found it interesting so posted it without much thought. Why are you so bothered by it?
14 years ago
11 months ago
16 years ago
4 years ago
Just going back on the point, most religious people believe suffering is a test etc so don't see the point in that picture myself tbf.
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
2 months ago
By Carroll. | Permalink | On 27 October 2012 - 18:55 PM
Just going back on the point, most religious people believe suffering is a test etc so don't see the point in that picture myself tbf.

I get that, but I find it odd that some people truly believe that God helped them complete pretty menial tasks throughout their day, yet did nothing to intervene to stop millions of people dying of easily curable diseases (as an example). I find it difficult to comprehend how so many people believe this shit.
16 years ago
4 years ago
I'm catholic and I believe in god. I'm no where near religious though, I don't go to church (well only only on special occasions), because it's the way I've been brought up. And I like the safety feeling it gives, believing there's something there, even if science proves there isn't. So I understand people who praise god for their good, it's their way of believing. But you're welcome to think you're opinion, I'm not going to sit here and preach.
14 years ago
11 months ago
16 years ago
2 years ago
Is that bus driver secretly Mike Tyson?
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
2 months ago
By Carroll. | Permalink | On 27 October 2012 - 19:28 PM
I'm catholic and I believe in god. I'm no where near religious though, I don't go to church (well only only on special occasions), because it's the way I've been brought up. And I like the safety feeling it gives, believing there's something there, even if science proves there isn't. So I understand people who praise god for their good, it's their way of believing. But you're welcome to think you're opinion, I'm not going to sit here and preach.

This is the thing though - do you truly believe in God, or do you choose to believe in God because it's gives you that safety net, that extra bit of comfort? Is it true, unmitigated belief even though you admit to wanting to believe for the comfort it provides? Part of me wishes I did believe in God, just so I could chill and know I was going to heaven rather than facing the truth. I had the privilege of being brought up in a household where religion was never forced upon me, so I've had the freedom to make my own decisions based on science and logic. I really think this is the way it should be, where people can make their own minds up when they reach an age where they can think from themselves, as opposed to being subject to scaremongering.

By the way, I hope I'm not coming across as preachy or offensive or anything. I enjoy the discussion and completely respect your right to believe whatever the hell you want to.
Mr Willy
17 years ago
3 months ago
Who do I hate more, Christopher Hitchens, or the autistic libertarian, science-addicted kids who sit in all day watching Christoper Hitchens?
16 years ago
4 years ago
By Telegram Sam | Permalink | On 27 October 2012 - 20:24 PM
This is the thing though - do you truly believe in God, or do you choose to believe in God because it's gives you that safety net, that extra bit of comfort? Is it true, unmitigated belief even though you admit to wanting to believe for the comfort it provides? Part of me wishes I did believe in God, just so I could chill and know I was going to heaven rather than facing the truth. I had the privilege of being brought up in a household where religion was never forced upon me, so I've had the freedom to make my own decisions based on science and logic. I really think this is the way it should be, where people can make their own minds up when they reach an age where they can think from themselves, as opposed to being subject to scaremongering.

By the way, I hope I'm not coming across as preachy or offensive or anything. I enjoy the discussion and completely respect your right to believe whatever the hell you want to.

I don't really know, I just like knowing there's something there and it just confuses me sometime how 'perfect' the world is, how everything works how it should etc. Probably growing up in a Catholic family led me to believing as well but I probably would have either way.
16 years ago
6 years ago
By Telegram Sam | Permalink | On 27 October 2012 - 19:01 PM
I get that, but I find it odd that some people truly believe that God helped them complete pretty menial tasks throughout their day, yet did nothing to intervene to stop millions of people dying of easily curable diseases (as an example). I find it difficult to comprehend how so many people believe this shit.

Do you know anyone believes God helps them find their car keys? I don't think anyone has ever done that.

Besides from the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught that prayers should be privately, meaning your prayers should be your private communication with God, and not trivial.

Matthew 6:5-6: "And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men....when thou prayest, enter into thy closet and when thou has shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret...."

But yeah I'm sure many religious people will see the starving and believe it is their Christian duty to do something about it, and try and stop poverty and get involved with CAFOD etc, rather than sitting in their secular homes making images to attempt to discredit God and blame religion for all of the world problems, rather than doing anything about it.
13 years ago
11 years ago

Did he get it right, those all English, Irish and other "native" accents?
13 years ago
11 years ago
delete please
18 years ago
6 years ago
By Telegram Sam | Permalink | On 27 October 2012 - 17:53 PM
Jesus Christ - you're missing the point completely.

The fact that I don't think of the underprivileged when something goes my way isn't the point. What is the point is that when something goes my way, I don't have the arrogance to believe some higher power helped me in my exam or found my car keys whilst these other poor sods suffer. Some people believe that the greatness of God guides them through their everyday lives whilst conveniently ignoring the fact that people die every day with no help whatsoever from some bullshit deity.

I'm sorry but this is complete and utter tripe. I'm not an all-encompassing follower of 'religion' as a concept, but if anything the idea of religion has actually gone and tried to do something about problems that exist. I'll take my own as an example. You are obliged to give a portion of your wealth to the poor and needy (and as far as I'm concerned, ensure that it gets to them), i.e. no bullshit about giving to charity for it to filter through administration and eventually end up where it's not required. Take the Eid that just passed. You are obliged to hand out a third of all meat that comes out of the day to the poor and needy. Again, directly. I fast for thirty days a year, every year. That'll be a fair proportion of life. Part of it is designed to show some kind of solidarity with those who suffer and give you some, as you say, perspective. And it's not even about charity; I sincerely believe that everyone enters and leaves this world as equals, and should be treated as such. All this, is because I believe in what you call "some bullshit deity". I don't feel any responsibility to my parents, family or friends whilst I do any of these things. I feel the need to thank this deity because it's worked for me. Coincidence, chance, placebo, you can call it whatever you like but it's faith for me. I don't feel the need to shove it down someone else's throat.

I actually despise the likes of you who think they have some kind of enlightened view of what happens in third world countries and then feel that you have some kind of moral high ground to criticise others. Fuck knows what made you bring religion into this discussion either. And as for "those poor sods", you should probably there are a fair proportion of them who believe in these so-called "deities". Go figure.
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
2 months ago
By Shola | Permalink | On 27 October 2012 - 22:27 PM
Do you know anyone believes God helps them find their car keys? I don't think anyone has ever done that.

Besides from the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught that prayers should be privately, meaning your prayers should be your private communication with God, and not trivial.

But yeah I'm sure many religious people will see the starving and believe it is their Christian duty to do something about it, and try and stop poverty and get involved with CAFOD etc, rather than sitting in their secular homes making images to attempt to discredit God and blame religion for all of the world problems, rather than doing anything about it.

You've completely missed the point I've been trying to make. I liked how you implicitly accused me of bunching all Christians together before then doing that exact thing with non-believers.

One thing I can't fucking stand is how some - and there's extreme emphasis on the word some - people who are religious believe you have to be religious to have any sort of moral code. How can you sit there, straight-faced, and talk up Christians doing good by the disadvantaged whilst accusing secularists of doing nothing to help? If we're going down this route, I'd even argue the point that it's more noble for an atheist to do something to help others than it is for Christians, seeing as an atheist doesn't do any good whilst fearing the wrath of God and spending eternity in Hell if they don't. That doesn't apply to all Christians but there's definitely that element to it.
16 years ago
6 years ago
By Telegram Sam | Permalink | On 27 October 2012 - 22:43 PM
You've completely missed the point I've been trying to make. I liked how you implicitly accused me of bunching all Christians together before then doing that exact thing with non-believers.

One thing I can't fucking stand is how some - and there's extreme emphasis on the word some - people who are religious believe you have to be religious to have any sort of moral code. How can you sit there, straight-faced, and talk up Christians doing good by the disadvantaged whilst accusing secularists of doing nothing to help? If we're going down this route, I'd even argue the point that it's more noble for an atheist to do something to help others than it is for Christians, seeing as an atheist doesn't do any good whilst fearing the wrath of God and spending eternity in Hell if they don't. That doesn't apply to all Christians but there's definitely that element to it.

No I'm saying that some Christians will do more than some secularists. And the secularists I'm having a go at are the ones who are 'enlightened' and have a go at religion, and are often very ignorant, and seem to view themselves as some sort of rebels, fighting the all powerful evil churches of the world.

Basically what Ehmo said.
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
2 months ago
By Ehmo | Permalink | On 27 October 2012 - 22:38 PM
I'm sorry but this is complete and utter tripe. I'm not an all-encompassing follower of 'religion' as a concept, but if anything the idea of religion has actually gone and tried to do something about problems that exist. I'll take my own as an example. You are obliged to give a portion of your wealth to the poor and needy (and as far as I'm concerned, ensure that it gets to them), i.e. no bullshit about giving to charity for it to filter through administration and eventually end up where it's not required. Take the Eid that just passed. You are obliged to hand out a third of all meat that comes out of the day to the poor and needy. Again, directly. I fast for thirty days a year, every year. That'll be a fair proportion of life. Part of it is designed to show some kind of solidarity with those who suffer and give you some, as you say, perspective. And it's not even about charity; I sincerely believe that everyone enters and leaves this world as equals, and should be treated as such. All this, is because I believe in what you call "some bullshit deity". I don't feel any responsibility to my parents, family or friends whilst I do any of these things. I feel the need to thank this deity because it's worked for me. Coincidence, chance, placebo, you can call it whatever you like but it's faith for me. I don't feel the need to shove it down someone else's throat.

I actually despise the likes of you who think they have some kind of enlightened view of what happens in third world countries and then feel that you have some kind of moral high ground to criticise others. Fuck knows what made you bring religion into this discussion either. And as for "those poor sods", you should probably there are a fair proportion of them who believe in these so-called "deities". Go figure.

Can I just start my response by saying I meant no offence by what I said and I'm saddened by the fact that you've taken me for some uppity, arrogant atheist. That really isn't the case and I'm respectful of other peoples' right to believe what they wish, even if my own personal views differ hugely. I understand religion is a very touchy subject but I enjoy debating about such topics in a proper manner.

I completely understand and respect the huge amount of good that comes out of Islam, and that on the whole it is a religion of peace and kindness. It's great that its followers are included to help the poor and needy, but may I ask why you do it? Do you do it because your religion tells you, or do you do it out of a true will to help others? I ask because there's this moral framework that comes with most religions that its followers abide to, but, as an atheist, I find that I don't need a set of rules telling me to be good in order to be good. If I give to charity or decide to help someone, I do it out of a desire to help others that stems from somewhere inside the human psyche that can't be hijacked by religious code. It probably stems from society, how people are raised, but even when people reject the idea of religion the majority of them will spend their lives being decent to other people.

Also, please don't accuse me of believing some sort of 'enlightened view'. You don't know me, and don't pretend I'm some sort of atheist cunt because I said a few things that perhaps contradict with your beliefs. I completely respect your choice of religion and think no less of you for being Muslim - the same would apply if you were a Christian, a Buddhist or whatever. My general feeling towards religion is that it's all well and good unless it conflicts on the well-being or liberty of others. If someone who is religious spends their life believing in a deity and as part of that they live good, decent lives - that's fantastic. That person is doing positive things and as such their religious beliefs are a good thing. However, if a person's religion causes a person to hold great prejudice against other races or groups of people, of if it encourages them to murder others, or encourages inequality against women, then I'm pretty against that part of it. I'm not so narrow-minded to think that all religion is bad because of a select few, or that it is completely redundant because to me organised religion makes as much sense as believing in Father Christmas.

I've strayed a little off-topic but I didn't like the fact you felt the need to despise me for what I said. I really am not the kind of person that speaks down to people who are religious and sees themselves as 'enlightened'. I'm saddened I came across that way and that you felt the need to attack me so aggressively.
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
This is fucking shit, go make your own "Why can't everyone be as enlightened as me?" thread
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
2 months ago
By Shola | Permalink | On 27 October 2012 - 22:55 PM
No I'm saying that some Christians will do more than some secularists. And the secularists I'm having a go at are the ones who are 'enlightened' and have a go at religion, and are often very ignorant, and seem to view themselves as some sort of rebels, fighting the all powerful evil churches of the world.

Basically what Ehmo said.

Yes, and some secularists will do more than Christians. The ability to decent things isn't defined by how you affiliate yourself religiously. Whilst I'm very aware that not all Muslims are West-hating terrorists, and that not all Christians really believe the Earth is only 6,000-years-old, I'd ask that you not band all secularists in the same pot of arrogant liberals who think they're better than everyone.
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
2 months ago
By Slashman X | Permalink | On 27 October 2012 - 23:03 PM
This is fucking shit, go make your own "Why can't everyone be as enlightened as me?" thread

Nah, you're alright \o/ \o/ \o/
16 years ago
6 years ago
By Telegram Sam | Permalink | On 27 October 2012 - 23:04 PM
Yes, and some secularists will do more than Christians. The ability to decent things isn't defined by how you affiliate yourself religiously. Whilst I'm very aware that not all Muslims are West-hating terrorists, and that not all Christians really believe the Earth is only 6,000-years-old, I'd ask that you not band all secularists in the same pot of arrogant liberals who think they're better than everyone.

That's exactly what I meant by 'some Christians do more than secularists' - That being a good person isn't linked to religious affiliation.

And I'm only having a go at ivory tower secularists, who feel the need to spread their usually moronic propoganda as often as possible. - And I'm well aware they're a very small minority. Considering 99% of people I've ever met lead secular lives.
15 years ago
7 years ago
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
2 months ago
By Shola | Permalink | On 27 October 2012 - 23:47 PM
That's exactly what I meant by 'some Christians do more than secularists' - That being a good person isn't linked to religious affiliation.

And I'm only having a go at ivory tower secularists, who feel the need to spread their usually moronic propoganda as often as possible. - And I'm well aware they're a very small minority. Considering 99% of people I've ever met lead secular lives.

Well, yeah. I think we're pretty much arguing the same point here.

Lets just agree to meet in the middle and agree that both religious fundamentalists and ivory-tower atheists are generally bad,

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