King Luis
18 years ago
1 year ago
I never repair inner tubes just bin them when I get a puncture, cba pissing about with repairing them. That said I've been lucky with punctures, only had one on the road and that was going into Paris.
16 years ago
2 years ago
By King Luis | Permalink | On 23 January 2013 - 12:12 PM
I never repair inner tubes just bin them when I get a puncture, cba pissing about with repairing them. That said I've been lucky with punctures, only had one on the road and that was going into Paris.

Not everybody is rich like you though.
King Luis
18 years ago
1 year ago
By K3V0 | Permalink | On 23 January 2013 - 02:17 AM
Not everybody is rich like you though.

Tubes aren't exactly expensive
16 years ago
2 years ago
By King Luis | Permalink | On 23 January 2013 - 14:42 PM
Tubes aren't exactly expensive

Depends how many punctures you get I suppose.

Plus Sears lives in Kerry.. That's like living on the moon, they probably pay an import tax on stuff down there!!
14 years ago
8 years ago
Hahaha simple to transport goods into Kerry Kevo, have you forgetting how small Ireland is Pity I can't say the same about the roads regarding cycling, they're not the best. I knew damn well the wheel punctured when I cycled over that pot-hole, not sure how I missed it. But my dad bought a puncture repair kit, so we'll try fix it with that. I think I might have a spare inner tube I got when I bought the bike as well... Thanks guys!
16 years ago
2 years ago
By Sears | Permalink | On 24 January 2013 - 05:20 AM
Hahaha simple to transport goods into Kerry Kevo, have you forgetting how small Ireland is Pity I can't say the same about the roads regarding cycling, they're not the best. I knew damn well the wheel punctured when I cycled over that pot-hole, not sure how I missed it. But my dad bought a puncture repair kit, so we'll try fix it with that. I think I might have a spare inner tube I got when I bought the bike as well... Thanks guys!

Nah only taking the piss man, Kerry isn't that bad, I mean it's better than Cork!!
13 years ago
8 years ago
By K3V0 | Permalink | On 24 January 2013 - 01:34 AM
Nah only taking the piss man, Kerry isn't that bad, I mean it's better than Cork!!

Kerry must be ok - bet they get stuff shipped in by the Dingle dolphin.
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
Kerry is shit, that dolphin has died 3 times already
13 years ago
8 years ago
By Slashman X | Permalink | On 24 January 2013 - 13:59 PM
Kerry is shit, that dolphin has died 3 times already

Sears should stop raping it then shouldn't he? Maybe it would last a bit longer!
King Luis
18 years ago
1 year ago
Just been out and done a quick 50K, so nice to get back out on the road and not be stuck in the house on the turbo trainer. Still bloody cold out though its like 0°C but feels like -2°C apparently, then you have the wind in your face. Still glad i went out and got a few miles in
14 years ago
8 years ago
The wind is the most annoying thing ever when out cycling. Havn't been able to get out much at all lately (gets dark like half hour after I get home from school and I've training on every Sunday) I've a match tomorrow so we shouldn't have training Sunday so weather permitting I hope to go out and do a cycle, 40k or so.
King Luis
18 years ago
1 year ago
Yeah its always pretty windy where i ride just cause were so close to the sea, always a crosswind as well but makes you stronger so not all bad
16 years ago
4 years ago
Just went on my first proper ride with a club, got absolutely raped.
14 years ago
8 years ago
By Carroll. | Permalink | On 30 January 2013 - 20:59 PM
Just went on my first proper ride with a club, got absolutely raped.

Was thinking of joining my local club but I know the exact same thing would happen to me so I'm to scared to take the plunge haha. Need more training!!
16 years ago
4 years ago
Hmmm it depends really. It was a midweek ride and it was definitely a fast ride, I know weekends there's like 3 to chose from depending on ability. Think I lasted bout half an hour, that was with a messed up cleat. Think I'll start going every week if I can and hang on a bit more every time, until I can stay with them comfortably.
King Luis
18 years ago
1 year ago
My favourite Grand Tour starts today, anyone else going to be watching the Giro? Going to be awesome!
16 years ago
4 years ago
Is it on ITV by any chance or only Eurosport? If at least the highlights are on ITV I'll sure catch it.
King Luis
18 years ago
1 year ago
Just live on Eurosport, loads of streams online for it though.

Picked my Fantasy team this morning for it as well, hopefully goes better than last years
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
2 months ago
Watching the highlights on Sky now. It'll give me something to look forward to in the evenings whilst writing my dissertation this week.
14 years ago
8 years ago
Poor Wiggo has a lot of work to do to catch up, that crash yesterday was a setback. He's good in the TT so he should be able to cut the deficit today.

Btw, are any of you guys on strava? Got my bike computer yesterday so will follow you if you are on it!
16 years ago
4 years ago
Nibali super strong
14 years ago
8 years ago
De Luca caught doping AGAIN. Have to ban him for life now
King Luis
18 years ago
1 year ago
Dont think there are many riders left who haven't crashed in the Giro so far, Puccio finished like this today
15 years ago
7 years ago
I finally got round to having my bike looked at.

The damage was new sprockets, new chain, new rear mech (this was unrelated from when the damn thing fell on the floor outside the gym and bent, but made sense to get it fixed) and realigned front and rear wheels with the recommendation to get the headset replaced at some point in the near future and that the front rings are showing signs of wear (basically because of the condition of the chain).

On the plus side, seeing as the sprocket was being replaced anyway I took the opportunity to fiddle with the gear ratios and the rear mech is a newer model.

Still, all that cost a pretty penny.
16 years ago
4 years ago
Bike shops are an absolute rip of these days, you can save a lot by looking at youtube videos and buying parts online. It's not ideal as you always scared of messing up but a lot, lot cheaper plus you learn a shit load about the bike and maintaining it
15 years ago
7 years ago
Bike shops are an absolute rip of these days, you can save a lot by looking at youtube videos and buying parts online. It's not ideal as you always scared of messing up but a lot, lot cheaper plus you learn a shit load about the bike and maintaining it

Its a locally owned one on our uni's campus, so whilst I'm sure they have ripped me off somewhere its a lot better than halfords and I think the uni subsidise some of the costs.

And also, I really, really can't do it myself. I know what I'm doing in theory, but in practice my hands just can't do what they're supposed to. I spent all day trying to change a gear cable and still couldn't do it.

Now if only I could work out why my front wheel refuses to stay at the correct pressure level.
16 years ago
4 years ago
Hmmm yeah I guess the uni ones a bit better, we have a co-op one here where it's 20 quid membership for a year and theres basically a mechanic guiding you as you do it. Pretty cool. Stuff is a lot cheaper than your halfords and evans aswell.

As in it going flat? Obvious stuff like check the tyre and inner tube, and rim of the wheel. Could be the valve on the inner tube busted
16 years ago
4 years ago
Hmmm yeah I guess the uni ones a bit better, we have a co-op one here where it's 20 quid membership for a year and theres basically a mechanic guiding you as you do it. Pretty cool. Stuff is a lot cheaper than your halfords and evans aswell.

As in it going flat? Obvious stuff like check the tyre and inner tube, and rim of the wheel. Could be the valve on the inner tube busted
15 years ago
7 years ago
As in it going flat? Obvious stuff like check the tyre and inner tube, and rim of the wheel. Could be the valve on the inner tube busted

Yeah, but not really. When they were talking through with me in the shop she reckoned it was about 30-40 psi and it should be 120, pumped it up last night and it was back down at around a similar level when I went for a ride today. Obviously, it could well be a puncture, but I can't for the life of my work out why it would stop at that level and not deflate completely if it was.
16 years ago
4 years ago
30-40 is way to low, youd be riding on the rim. 120 is a little high too, id reccomend 100 for general riding

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