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Is there other facepack for J-League available? (J1 is good enough...)
Assigning images to persons works on the understanding that each individual person has a defined Unique ID number, as is the case with players in the official database.
However, newly-created players in an editor data file do not have a fixed UID, so if you combine any J-League editor data file with any other editor data file, the chances are that the Japanese players' UIDs will change. This obviously causes problems when trying to map player images to a particular player.
All this is to explain that getting Japanese player faces to appear to the correct persons is not straight-forward and it might not work, unless you decide to have only the Japanese editor data file running and no others.
Thank you for letting me know that! So, if I want to have both the megapack` s faces & Japanese one work, the only way is to change the UID manually....I ve just tried, it works! But how time-consuming it is by changing 2000> files...!!
I found that I can insert every player portraits correctly by changing the portrait`s name (ID) consistent with the ID shown in the game. But portraits can NOT be displayed whenever there is a grey silhouette names `NO IMAGE AVAILABLE`. How can I replace my portrait with this??
I tried to add the portrait by add sth like `<record from="1394632428" to="graphics/pictures/person/1394632428/portrait"/>` in the `config.xml`, but there is still no change...I badly need some advice on that.
Thank you!!