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We start off in the I liga (second tier of Polish football) and the aim is to create a team of only Polish players. Our media prediction is 11th and we hope to do slightly better than that and finish in the top half of the table
The Squad
As explained above I am already a couple of months into this career but I have my team of Polish players fully set up:
Key Players
Managed to get some absolute gems in the old boys of Mariusz Lewandowski and Roger:
First few results
Not bad results, as I said we are predicted to finish 11th so its nice to be doing much better than that. The 4-1 defeat came at a rather congested period of fixtures and I tried switching up the tactics a bit to no avail.
I work full time at the moment so takes me a few days to play a month of FM. Will try and keep this updated as much as I can!
Results haven't been going our way recently. Lewandowski is a bit of wild cannon and seems to pick up a yellow card nearly every game which prevents me playing the same tactic each game as he is the only decent DM I have, a position that is pivotal to my 4-5-1.
The 3 losses, 2 wins and draw drop me quite far down the table, back to the media's expected position. The only plus point of these games is that I finally have a striker that is on a good scoring record. With 7 goals in his last 10 games Mateusz Frankowski is trying his hardest to win us some games, picked up on a free after leaving a Third division side he has all the attributes I need for my lone frontman:
Current Table:
Its becoming increasingly frustrating only being able to sign Polish players as my scouts keep finding some great foreign talent but I must stick to my plan, hopefully one day I will be able to fill the national team with only players from my team, I can dream
Yeah I remember that career