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First of all; he's an incredible footballer. He's skilful, hard working and he scores goals. It might not seem like much when talking about good footballers, but he really is the total package when it comes to forwards players. In a struggling Liverpool side he's essentially the only shining light. At times playing in his own world. Watching Liverpool I know Suarez will impress. Consistency is a rare commodity.
Secondly, he's a cunt. In the purest form of the word, he's a black hole that sucks in all manner of the perceived problems we associate with football: diving, racism, being foreign. He'd probably fuck your sister in front of you and not care. It's the sheer fact he irritates so many people on so many different levels that I can't help admire him. He could go out and start headbutting children, but that would be too direct. No what makes him so brilliant as a pantomime villain is that on top of being such a despicable human being he is, unfortunately for those who hate him, incredibly good at scoring goals against people.
Thirdly, he seems completely unfazed by either of the two. I mark that down to either intelligence or ignorance. Either way the fact that people saying good or bad things about him, people throwing coins, governing bodies trying to remove him from the sport and many other brilliant highlights in his tour of England; through it all he just carries on scoring goals and upsetting people.
Luis Suarez is the best thing to happen to the Premier League since Ben Thatcher was removed as the equaliser.
DMT Abuse
How come he's allowed to be called Luis Suarez anyway? He can be Luis Suarez when he has 3 Seria A's, 2 Intercontinental Cups, Two European Cups, a European Championship and a Ballon d'Or. Pretender.
Telegram Sam
It may seem that way to a small minded racist like yourself, but not being from Europe is not a barrier at all to the European Championships.
Because people forget quickly.