13 years ago
2 years ago
Can you explain how to get this working with OLT? I can't seem to get them both working at the same time. Loads of players are bald now haha...

Place them in the correct folder and clear your cache. Then reboot your game.
18 years ago
1 hour ago
Can you explain how to get this working with OLT? I can't seem to get them both working at the same time. Loads of players are bald now haha...

This is what your hair folder should look like:


The afro, asian, euro, hispanic and mixed_race folders are the default ones.
15 years ago
3 years ago
It looks great, anychance you can add the white/blue shirts to the default hair replacement?

It will come today mate
15 years ago
3 years ago
I'd also appreciate that. OLT already includes those, but it doesn't have the poorly cut default hairs fixed.. And thank you so very much for this. Now I can use your pack together with OLT, which gives even bigger variation of hairstyles (although I'm sure they both share same/similar hairstyles). I also found that black_105 and black_112 in afro/medium have quite a bit of snow around the hair. Fixed it for myself, but you might want to look at it for the next update.

I can also confirm that the regens neck is a tad wider than the collar and it seems to be worse on the left side of the neck. I imagine that fixing that for each and every hairstyle would be very time consuming and it's actually rather hard to even notice unless you are looking at it. Just something to consider in the future.

Hi Jubez.

Thank you for the feedback.

Are you refering to the new white/blue release or the gold-collar one in regards of the neck issue? I corrected the width of the kit with a pixel on each side of the neck in the white/blue version released earlier today (at night). Should be better than the gold one, so hopefully thats the one you refer to? I will fix the snow around the hair on the files you mention. They are from the default replacement pack right? Can't imagine leaving any snow on my hairstyles :-D.
13 years ago
2 years ago
Hi Jubez.

Thank you for the feedback.

Are you refering to the new white/blue release or the gold-collar one in regards of the neck issue? I corrected the width of the kit with a pixel on each side of the neck in the white/blue version released earlier today (at night). Should be better than the gold one, so hopefully thats the one you refer to? I will fix the snow around the hair on the files you mention. They are from the default replacement pack right? Can't imagine leaving any snow on my hairstyles :-D.

They are your hairstyles and not the default replacements. And the problem with the collar width happens with the new blue/white version. I also found that euro/medium/blonde_107 has the collar on top of the beard instead of having the collar behind the beard.

EDIT: Nevermind the collar issue. It seems to be OLT causing it. Didn't think that first because they worked fine in FM14 and before. I guess SI has changed the neck width a little for FM15.
11 years ago
3 years ago
Good to see you updating this.

I really like the white shirts, but to each his own.
11 years ago
1 month ago
It will come today mate

You are a god among men
15 years ago
3 years ago
UPDATED 5.12.2014 with alternative white/blue shirts default replacement add-on pack!

Read original post on top of this page for more info.
13 years ago
2 years ago
Thank you so much for the new default replacements! I also double checked the collar without OLT installed and the left side of collar is still too narrow by one pixel while the right side seems to be good. It's very minimal and I'm not sure if it's worth the time required to fix it, but there you have it if you happen to find yourself editing the hairs anyway. Definitely something to consider with any new hair styles you may be adding later.
18 years ago
1 hour ago
This looks absolutely fantastic - great stuff
13 years ago
2 years ago
Yeah imagine the times when when we had nothing of this. Every other regen looking identical :3 Alongside with the cutout MP this regen hairpacks are the most important addons to the game at least for myself. And considering that my games usually last very long until a point when there's nothing but regens left then this facepack shines!
Uwe Seeler
16 years ago
2 days ago
Any chance for a no shirt version?
15 years ago
3 years ago
No chance mate, i hate the head-on-a stick look, and it's not worth for me to use time to erase all the kits from the hair for almost 1700 styles as i (and i believe many) will never used it.
12 years ago
9 years ago
I love this pack, keep up the great work
15 years ago
4 months ago
Cheers, works great
18 years ago
4 years ago
Cannot for the love or money get this pack working won't change from the olt pack

No worries done it now
12 years ago
9 years ago
Is it me... or are the standard "ginger / euro" hairstyles .. not that "ginger" anymore with your default changing add-on? Being a real-life Ginger myself I do not approve of this
12 years ago
2 months ago
This is what your hair folder should look like:


The afro, asian, euro, hispanic and mixed_race folders are the default ones.

Thanks for this. Didn't realise it needed a unique folder.
14 years ago
3 years ago
debski and olt work together ?
13 years ago
2 years ago
debski and olt work together ?

Yes, but in FM15 the regens' necks are wider than in previous versions and thus OLT's collars look kinda odd. I haven't seen him online for half a year so I assume they are not gonna get fixed. Not anytime soon anyway. But as said, they stil lwork together with debski if you want to use them and there's even a version to match collars to OLT's version.
15 years ago
3 years ago
debski and olt work together ?

Our packs go fine together as Jubez just wrote, but if you're asking if we work together as graphics creators, then no.
15 years ago
3 years ago
Is it me... or are the standard "ginger / euro" hairstyles .. not that "ginger" anymore with your default changing add-on? Being a real-life Ginger myself I do not approve of this

Hi Flame92.

I have tried to keep the default SI hairs as close to the originals as possible, but on the other hand to clean them from pixelation and wrongly set color saturation and contrast. I specifically remember to have edited a couple of ginger hairstyles saturation wise, as i found the color just too unrealistically red - almost radioactively red, which i toned down. Aside from that, nothing drastic, and i feel the look now is much more real life like to be honest with you.
12 years ago
9 years ago
Hi Flame92.

I have tried to keep the default SI hairs as close to the originals as possible, but on the other hand to clean them from pixelation and wrongly set color saturation and contrast. I specifically remember to have edited a couple of ginger hairstyles saturation wise, as i found the color just too unrealistically red - almost radioactively red, which i toned down. Aside from that, nothing drastic, and i feel the look now is much more real life like to be honest with you.

Taking another look at them, I see what you mean. I hereby grant you this Gingers' approval Going to install the add-on as I typ this!
15 years ago
3 years ago
Taking another look at them, I see what you mean. I hereby grant you this Gingers' approval Going to install the add-on as I typ this!

Thank you, now i can die in peace!
15 years ago
8 months ago
Is it just me or has the pack stop working after the update to 15.2?
13 years ago
2 years ago
Is it just me or has the pack stop working after the update to 15.2?

It's just you. The pack works flawlessly.
15 years ago
3 years ago
Everything works fine here, so as Jubez says, it must be you...
15 years ago
8 months ago
Everything works fine here, so as Jubez says, it must be you...

I just had to clear the cache after the update then player face came back. Thanks for a great work
15 years ago
3 years ago
I just had to clear the cache after the update then player face came back. Thanks for a great work

Good, glad you like
Gavin Kerr
11 years ago
6 years ago
Excellent hair pack emildebski85.

Works effortlessly with OLT's.

And I have just noticed my star ST has decided to grow his hair since I applied your version to my FM14 saved game.


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