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Telegram Sam
I'm about to start my third year and am absolutely terrified. First class isn't until Tuesday morning though.
Not sure what I'm doing after next summer. I need to do a masters and another year of practice if I want to qualify, but I don't have the money. At this stage, I don't know what I want to do after I graduate either...
Telegram Sam
I'm giving my parents the whole 'I want to travel and expand my mind' line, but really I have no fucking clue. I don't want to live at home again and I don't want a "real" job, so travelling seems the best bet.
Telegram Sam
Yeah, I wouldn't mind working full-time if I was actually working towards something like saving for travelling. I just don't want a career yet.
Need monies too.
Thanks for thinking of me.
3rd week of first year is done for me, what a life it is. My life is watching sports and then doing homework on it, it's fucking brilliant. Not to mention I don't have afternoon classes 3 out of 5 days and even if I went to class all day, I'll gladly go because I love what I'm studying.
Oh and the girl and her roommate along with my roommate and I are going for drinks tonight, so shit is going well there.
Can stick it next to your "I can wipe my own ass" award and your Polish A-Level.
Have to print my own certificate of registration at home, upload my own picture for my student card. Four days .
In a similar situation, but I have an interview tomorrow for a PT job at a supermarket. Fml.
Bian is hardcore
or hardcore
There's always rent-boying too. That's profitable, or so I've heard.
Phoenix Arrow
Oh boy. Someone's bitter.
Haha no not at all, over the years my dad has given me far more money than he should have done!
Just hate faux self-deprecation showing off, especially about money that's not even really yours.
Phoenix Arrow
I can agree with that. I tend to feel guilty if I need to lend money from my parents. My dad lends me money for transport since I'm on minimum wage and he doesn't want me spending a chunk of my money on getting to work, but apart from that I don't think I've asked them to buy me anything for about a year.
Not being a dick here but is that not a relatively low amount of money?
Slashman X
The Platypus
Telegram Sam
I'm actually quite enjoying mine now I've started the third year and am able to pick more specific modules. I found out recently that if I want to get a 2:1 overall I'm going to need 64% this year, which is very tough but doable as well. Nice to have something to aim for.
Are you doing Economics and Politics now? I forget what you were doing.. BSc?
My Masters is going ok, it's research based so I am just graded on my thesis (25k) (submission next Sep), and then one essay (4k) for a methodology lesson that is compulsory (always representation or feminism, yawn.). The real time swallower for me is that I'm doing Latin and French on the side so I barely have time to research my thesis....
Have an interview today for a pt teaching job in local impoverished schools, outreach n all that jazz. 17 quid an hour if I get it...