18 years ago
1 year ago

Who Scotland are predicted to vote. Yellow is the SNP. The entire map is yellow, 59/59 seats. Yet the conservatives will still win and be our government.
10 years ago
1 month ago

Just wasted too long on there getting chased by a big red blog called China and my lunch almost went cold. Thank you very much!
16 years ago
4 years ago
That's actually class Got to about 4th at one point, but then pricked my self on the green things. Such a struggle once you get big as it takes forever to move and catch anything.
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
Yeah, I've been playing it all day in work. Currently called "FREE HUGS!"
10 years ago
1 month ago
I like how theres someone called Genghis Khan just going around taking people out!
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
That's actually class Got to about 4th at one point, but then pricked my self on the green things. Such a struggle once you get big as it takes forever to move and catch anything.

That's what the spacebar is for
18 years ago
2 weeks ago
Why do I have to feel like shit right now when I really need to be motivated?
18 years ago
2 weeks ago

Who Scotland are predicted to vote. Yellow is the SNP. The entire map is yellow, 59/59 seats. Yet the conservatives will still win and be our government.

There's going to be another referendum within 10 years, I have no doubt.
16 years ago
6 years ago
Why don't Scottish people understand how democracy works?
16 years ago
4 years ago
That's what the spacebar is for

When does it join you back up?

Started using the space bar then got fairly far and it disconnected
17 years ago
4 years ago
Why don't the Conservatives understand how a first past the post system works on a multi-national level?

Fixed for accuracy. As a Labour man, I'm really disappointed with how the SNP looks set to take a clean sweep in Scotland. We're getting punished, ultimately, for being on the same team as the Tories during the referendum, and with the unionist vote split three ways it opens the door to (hopefully temporary) nationalism hegemony in Scotland.

The Tories were a spent force in Scotland following on from Thatcher's redefinition of unionism. Since then, Scotland has been like a foreign country to the Tory leadership, and any election which sees nationalists returned gets its democratic value questioned - because the SNP can't represent the entire UK (because, of course, the Tory lack of penetration into Scotland doesn't undermine that particular argument...).

The SNP's big problem is that it's a separatist party, which means no other party will go into a formal deal with it. It can't join with the Tories as it would undermine its own credibility at home (and probable drive a lot of voters back to Labour and the Lib Dems), and Labour can't work with it due to its separatist agenda, despite a lot of overlap between policies, which is a shame as a Labour/SNP alliance could be a very potent combination. It's going to be a very messy five years, regardless of the result. And due to the Fixed Term Parliaments Act it's bloody difficult to call an election to sort it out - I'm actually expecting two or three different alliances forming administrations without an election, and maybe a Tory minority government by the end of the parliament, which may work out in Labour's favour for next time.
18 years ago
2 weeks ago
The SNP can't work with Labour anyway, it would undermine their own position.
13 years ago
7 months ago
Yeah, I've been playing it all day in work. Currently called "FREE HUGS!"

Im pretty sure you was just chasing me. I just had Tommie as my name
16 years ago
6 years ago
Fixed for accuracy. As a Labour man, I'm really disappointed with how the SNP looks set to take a clean sweep in Scotland. We're getting punished, ultimately, for being on the same team as the Tories during the referendum, and with the unionist vote split three ways it opens the door to (hopefully temporary) nationalism hegemony in Scotland.

Must be very disenfranchising getting twice as many votes as the oppressors.

The SNP can't work with Labour anyway, it would undermine their own position.

As if they've gotten any credibility anyway.
13 years ago
7 months ago
Don't think I have got anyone using spacebar yet
18 years ago
2 weeks ago
As if they've gotten any credibility anyway.

Scottish voters obviously think they do.
13 years ago
1 week ago
15 years ago
7 years ago

Who Scotland are predicted to vote. Yellow is the SNP. The entire map is yellow, 59/59 seats. Yet the conservatives will still win and be our government.

You voted to stay as part of the Union, you have a devolved assembly that actually deals with making laws that affect people with Scotland. As far as representation goes you're about the only part of the Union that can actually lay claim to having your voices heard.

The far bigger problem is the fact that the SNP voting bloc will most likely hold the balance of power over the making of English law which is clearly absolutely ludicrous. Not only because absolutely no one in England voted for them but because there is absolutely no way for them to be held accountable.
13 years ago
8 years ago

Who Scotland are predicted to vote. Yellow is the SNP. The entire map is yellow, 59/59 seats. Yet the conservatives will still win and be our government.

Why the fuck do you care? You live and work in Australia.
Deleted Account #151676
Looks as if I'm going to be a daddy by the end of the day, came to Birmingham for a scan today and the fluid level around baby had dropped significantly from the last scan a fortnight ago. Doctor thinks the waters broke but slowly rather than a big gush. They have decided to induce her today. I'm waiting for a train back home to go and get the suitcase, shaking a little as I write this.
13 years ago
8 years ago
Looks as if I'm going to be a daddy by the end of the day, came to Birmingham for a scan today and the fluid level around baby had dropped significantly from the last scan a fortnight ago. Doctor thinks the waters broke but slowly rather than a big gush. They have decided to induce her today. I'm waiting for a train back home to go and get the suitcase, shaking a little as I write this.

Try to be nice and calm when you're with her. She'll be panicking, so you've got to be billy big bollocks to reassure her.

Good luck!
13 years ago
1 week ago
Looks as if I'm going to be a daddy by the end of the day, came to Birmingham for a scan today and the fluid level around baby had dropped significantly from the last scan a fortnight ago. Doctor thinks the waters broke but slowly rather than a big gush. They have decided to induce her today. I'm waiting for a train back home to go and get the suitcase, shaking a little as I write this.

Good luck man!

Here comes the first of the Susie Youth camp!
10 years ago
1 month ago

Sort of, he should be hung from a tree by his balls in a lion enclosure.
12 years ago
4 years ago
Good luck Rick mate!
10 years ago
1 month ago
Looks as if I'm going to be a daddy by the end of the day, came to Birmingham for a scan today and the fluid level around baby had dropped significantly from the last scan a fortnight ago. Doctor thinks the waters broke but slowly rather than a big gush. They have decided to induce her today. I'm waiting for a train back home to go and get the suitcase, shaking a little as I write this.

Good luck man!

Here comes the first of the Susie Youth camp!

Rick going to call her Susie in honour?
13 years ago
8 years ago
Sort of, he should be hung from a tree by his balls in a lion enclosure.

I can agree to that as long as its televised and celebrated.
18 years ago
2 weeks ago

At this rate I expect to fail my maths exam by a single point, my liver explode the next time I take a drink and the house catch fire the next time I try to cook.
10 years ago
1 month ago
For some of the locals around where I live that would be "Meets girl on dating website" "She is inbred/has a penis"
16 years ago
2 years ago

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