King Luis
18 years ago
1 year ago
Depressing thing is 9000 people voted for Farage in my constituency
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
A conservative government would be giving the security agencies and law enforcement agencies the powers that they need to ensure they're keeping up to date as people communicate with communications data. We were prevented from bringing in that legislation into the last government because of the coalitions with the Lib Dems and we are determined to bring that through because we believe that is necessary to maintain the capabilities of our law enforcement agencies so they can continue to do the excellent job day in day out of keeping us safe and secure

That's depressing
11 years ago
1 week ago
Exactly this. Does Ed Milliband look like someone who can run a country and stand side by side with people like Barack Obama, Angela Merkel & Putin. Does he bollocks. Looks like the kid at school who gets bullied but still thinks he's mates with all the cool kids.

To me, Miliband looks and sounds like the kind of guy that would turn up in a small van to service your computer.
18 years ago
2 years ago
Farage has resigned.

EDIT: Well, he's going to challenge for leader again in September.
King Luis
18 years ago
1 year ago
Worst resignation ever, he's basically having a holiday.
18 years ago
2 years ago
Clegg resigning. Bet he'll join the Tories.
16 years ago
6 years ago
Can't wait for the SNP to start complaining about how Tory rules is unfair and they're underrepresented despite UKIP and the Lib Dems getting loads more votes and less seats.

Always surpising to see how right wing the rest of the UK is.

Also the 'Shy Tory' effect - Imagine being too embarrassed to say your voting for a party but doing it anyway. At least UKIP are loud and proud.
18 years ago
2 months ago
So has it ever really been established that the Shy Tory effect actually exists, and that it isn't just a result of Conservative voters being more likely to actually show up and vote?

Edit: Had a look at the BBC website, they are reporting 66.1% turnout, which is absolutely atrocious.
18 years ago
2 months ago
Feeling like shit again for no particular reason.

Wish I could drink.
13 years ago
8 years ago
Feeling like shit again for no particular reason.

Wish I could drink.

You're so emo.

Why cant you drink? Can you at least self harm?
18 years ago
2 months ago
You're so emo.

Why cant you drink? Can you at least self harm?

Can't drink because of the meds I am currently taking, which are also likely the cause (well, at least partially) of me being such a whiny cunt at the moment.

And I want to be happy, not hurt myself
Number 1
17 years ago
1 year ago
I was counting a ballot last night. I am fucking exhausted of it and am only really making incoherent thoughts when I try and work out what I make of the results.

In and amidst tired flashes, the only line of thought is one that's not impressed. Can imagine the next 5 years not going well.
13 years ago
8 months ago
Virtually all of Kent except the odd few ended up going to Torys
15 years ago
7 years ago
Clegg resigning. Bet he'll join the Tories.

Nick Clegg's a lot of things, but he's definitely not a Tory.
18 years ago
2 years ago
Nick Clegg's a lot of things, but he's definitely not a Tory.

He has got some Tory history.

All of Devon/Cornwall except Exeter is Tory. Ergh.
12 years ago
4 years ago
All of Devon/Cornwall except Exeter is Tory. Ergh.

Not my fault, I didn't vote for them!
11 years ago
1 week ago
I'm staying in Devon at the moment, never seen so many signs saying "Vote Conservatives/Labour/UKIP" before.
12 years ago
4 years ago
I'm staying in Devon at the moment, never seen so many signs saying "Vote Conservatives/Labour/UKIP" before.

I live in Cornwall, so slightly different, only the odd UKIP one, a lot of LibDem ones (which is natural since I believe historically Cornwall has always been Lib Dem).
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
1 month ago
The last 24 hours have sucked hard, not least because I got around 3 hours sleep last night.

Talk about broken Britain. I was genuinely in shock at what happened last night. I was expecting Cameron to be PM today but certainly not with a majority and couldn't believe how badly the polls got it wrong. It looks like the lies and scaremongering from the Tories paid off and all I can really say is that an utterly disgraceful campaign has ended with a truly horrible party getting in. The attacks on Miliband from the Tories and the right-wing media were horrific and incredibly negative and in the end, fear has won them this election. All this talk of the SNP holding Labour to ransom seems to have whipped up a terrifying form of English nationalism that threatens the union and has left these isles more divided than they have been for decades.

I think in the coming weeks and months people will begin to realise that the Liberal Democrats will be missed more than people suspect - they prevented an awful lot of horrible Tory policies in the last government and we will likely see them begin to be rolled in immediately with no coalition partners to worry about. It's a shame that the Lib Dems basically got shafted because of the tuition fees fiasco - which I was vehemently against, by the way - whereas the Tories seem to have gotten off scott-free. I think on the whole though Clegg and the other Lib Dems in parliament did far more good than harm in the last election and when they came into power in 2010 they really did put the country ahead of the party. Paddy Ashdown made some great points on QT tonight but the long and short of it was that after seeing what happened to the Lib Dems last night, will a party ever again be prepared to sacrifice the party's success for the good of the nation? Look what it cost Clegg and the party as a whole.

I am scared of what the next five years will bring and with an EU referendum on the horizon, I do worry that the increasing levels of xenophobia and racism in this country could take us out of the Union. Thankfully the Scots are still with us so hopefully many of them will vote to remain in. On a broader scale though I do worry about left-leaning politics in this nation with the Lib Dems on their knees and Labour unsure of where to go next.

On a final happier note, I am delighted that Nigel Farage failed to win South Thanet and that Mark Reckless got booted out as well. I'm also glad Caroline Lucas kept her seat in Brighton as she's one of the best politicians around today and a superb MP.
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
1 month ago
So has it ever really been established that the Shy Tory effect actually exists, and that it isn't just a result of Conservative voters being more likely to actually show up and vote?

Edit: Had a look at the BBC website, they are reporting 66.1% turnout, which is absolutely atrocious.

Most polls supposedly account for the 'Shy Tory' effect after what happened in 1992 and still thought it would be close. I reckon it was a last-minute swing of people basically being pretty content with how things are and thinking that the Tories are better with the economy, which is a line they have pushed fair better than Labour ever did. I don't think people realise though quite how different things will be though without the Liberal Democrats in government alongside the Tories keeping their more right-wing policies from coming into law. I can't see things going well.
15 years ago
7 years ago
The last 24 hours have sucked hard, not least because I got around 3 hours sleep last night.

Talk about broken Britain. I was genuinely in shock at what happened last night. I was expecting Cameron to be PM today but certainly not with a majority and couldn't believe how badly the polls got it wrong. It looks like the lies and scaremongering from the Tories paid off and all I can really say is that an utterly disgraceful campaign has ended with a truly horrible party getting in. The attacks on Miliband from the Tories and the right-wing media were horrific and incredibly negative and in the end, fear has won them this election. All this talk of the SNP holding Labour to ransom seems to have whipped up a terrifying form of English nationalism that threatens the union and has left these isles more divided than they have been for decades.

I think in the coming weeks and months people will begin to realise that the Liberal Democrats will be missed more than people suspect - they prevented an awful lot of horrible Tory policies in the last government and we will likely see them begin to be rolled in immediately with no coalition partners to worry about. It's a shame that the Lib Dems basically got shafted because of the tuition fees fiasco - which I was vehemently against, by the way - whereas the Tories seem to have gotten off scott-free. I think on the whole though Clegg and the other Lib Dems in parliament did far more good than harm in the last election and when they came into power in 2010 they really did put the country ahead of the party. Paddy Ashdown made some great points on QT tonight but the long and short of it was that after seeing what happened to the Lib Dems last night, will a party ever again be prepared to sacrifice the party's success for the good of the nation? Look what it cost Clegg and the party as a whole.

I am scared of what the next five years will bring and with an EU referendum on the horizon, I do worry that the increasing levels of xenophobia and racism in this country could take us out of the Union. Thankfully the Scots are still with us so hopefully many of them will vote to remain in. On a broader scale though I do worry about left-leaning politics in this nation with the Lib Dems on their knees and Labour unsure of where to go next.

On a final happier note, I am delighted that Nigel Farage failed to win South Thanet and that Mark Reckless got booted out as well. I'm also glad Caroline Lucas kept her seat in Brighton as she's one of the best politicians around today and a superb MP.

I'm too drunk to be as eloquent as you were so I'll keep this as brief as I can.

I think theres two things that I disagree with, the first the 'good of the nation' coalition took and the problems for the left in the UK.

What I do agree with is that Nick Clegg was a decent coalition minority partner leader, the lib dems blocked some truly horrific Tory shit (read snoopers charter) that this countries assorted resident fuck wits and imbeciles have just insured will happen, cementing Theresa May as the most vile woman in the country. The counter point to that is that the Lib Dems were the student party, they formed the key body of their voters and when the Lib Dems played Kingmaker to the Conservatives they were ignored and sold under the bridge. It may seem an odd red line to draw, but it was the red line they should have drawn; you can't blame the conservatives for pushing that agenda because that was the manifesto they got (sort of) elected on but you can absolutely blame the party who argued against it and changed their minds when they got a whiff of power. They deserve everything that happens to them, regardless of the unfortunate side effects that their vote collapsing has had on the country.

The second point is that the countries 'left' is fundamentally unelectable, I love the Green party (in particular) ideologically, but when they produce a manifesto of utterly fanciful shite that is neither costed, thought through or sensible, no one in their right mind will vote for them. UKIP, for all their failings, at least had the sense to present themselves as as somewhat real party.
13 years ago
8 months ago
and that Mark Reckless got booted out as well.

God I'm so glad of this too. If i lived one village over he would have been my MP
16 years ago
6 years ago
Seems like the SNP completely fucked over everyone else. They're terrible. Really fucking terrible.

And every Tory gambit worked; The fears over UKIP and Scotland especially. They also got away with acting like they're more responsible with the economy. Labour borrowed too much - Tory's borrowed far more, and got away with it.

Labour for some reason didn't even seem to defend itself from the borrowing - as far as I'm aware Gordon Brown seems to have done an excellent job at damage limitations at the end of his Government.
16 years ago
2 years ago
Have my 6 week post op review today with the surgeon. Hoping it's bye bye to the crutches and I'm back walking by myself again. Also hopefully it's cool for me to fly as my Dad has retired and wants to go back to Ireland for a month or two to see my nan. I can take being on crutches for a few more weeks once he says I can fly.
16 years ago
4 years ago
When's your dad hoping to go back? I'd imagine you should be able to fly by then?

Found out my knee was okay after all. Couldn't bend it for 2 weeks and was told it's ligament or tendon damage but luckily think it was just really bad swelling. Ankle is also healing up, I was told I'll be in a cast for 6 weeks (got this aircast boot and crutches) but I've been walking unaided for over a week now, so it's healed super fast considering I only did it end of March. I'm supposed to be going Germany for 2 months on the 1st of June, so hoping the recovery continues well
18 years ago
1 year ago
I feel like no one on this forum can walk 10 yards without getting a serious injury.
Deleted Account #151676
I feel like no one on this forum can walk 10 yards without getting a serious injury.

I was thinking the same.
13 years ago
8 years ago
I was thinking the same.

I reached over for the tv remote yesterday, broke my spine and now im paralysed!!
18 years ago
3 years ago
I reached over for the tv remote yesterday, broke my spine and now im paralysed!!

16 years ago
2 years ago
When's your dad hoping to go back? I'd imagine you should be able to fly by then?

Found out my knee was okay after all. Couldn't bend it for 2 weeks and was told it's ligament or tendon damage but luckily think it was just really bad swelling. Ankle is also healing up, I was told I'll be in a cast for 6 weeks (got this aircast boot and crutches) but I've been walking unaided for over a week now, so it's healed super fast considering I only did it end of March. I'm supposed to be going Germany for 2 months on the 1st of June, so hoping the recovery continues well

We're looking at leaving next week. Got the all clear thankfully!!

I feel like no one on this forum can walk 10 yards without getting a serious injury.

Not far from the truth

I reached over for the tv remote yesterday, broke my spine and now im paralysed!!


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