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King Luis
If he was a horse he wouldve been sent to the knackers yard 5 years ago.
I'm working on it slowly
Would have been about 9 years ago
Telegram Sam
Telegram Sam
I was a month too young to vote in 2010 but I would have voted Liberal Democrat had I been able to. Once the tuition fees were raised, I remember being really angry at them for going back on their promise and for years I thought and said I was glad I wasn't able to vote because I would have regretted it.
However, over the past year or so I've begun to re-think my position and understand more of what the Lib Dems were able to do and why they renegaded on that promise. It must be remembered that they were the junior party in the coalition so had to concede a lot to the Tories, and even though the tuition fees fiasco was arguably the worst thing they could have gone back on it did not outweigh all of the good they did in government. It saddens me that they basically lost a huge amount of support based on that one issue when it was Labour who introduced fees and the Tories that championed rising them. Political parties break their promises all the bloody time and whilst it shouldn't be condoned, it was far better for the Lib Dems to go into government and make concessions whilst also delivering a lot of their manifesto instead of standing on the sidelines and doing nothing. They had the chance to actually have an influence for once and it would have sent a terrible message had they decided to walk away from that opportunity to govern. As I said before, history will be far kinder to Nick Clegg than the electorate were.
Also, I agree with you re: the Greens and UKIP. I could easily have seen myself voting for the Green Party had their policies not seemed so fanciful and fantastical. I do think their is an opening for them to be successful though if they manage themselves a bit better. I'm not convinced on Natalie Bennett either.
A few years back some professional footballer was stretching his legs out in bed and tore his ACL
Oh fuck, change of plan then.
At least we can tell him to fuck off all over again.
Have legitimately hurt my calves doing that!
How someone does that I don't know!!
Lay down flat on your back, extend your legs as far as possible and then turn your feet upwards towards your body.
Slashman X
Ya can fuck off if you think you're getting 4 bottles of vodka!! Not because I don't like ya, but because I can't carry it being a cripple I hope the sofa has been professionally cleaned for my return. That was basically my weekend bed for a few months there when I was back home last time I'm sure Mossy has been riding his moth on it #getitcleaned
Slashman X
I recommend following NASA's Instagram account.
Let's meet up for a pint or 46.
So many incredible pictures. It's now the best Instagram account I follow.
Probably wasted a whole year of my life based on that fuck-up, as I am about 98% certain of not getting into Uni without that exam.
I really, really want to bash my head against the wall.
Sent the teacher an email apologising and asking if there's any possibility at all of taking the exam at a different time. Guess I'll find out tomorrow if I get really, really lucky.
You're a retard, Franck. Or. Tu est un retard, Franck. Or something.