18 years ago
3 months ago
Get in from work load up the PC and when it gets to the desktop the fans go into overdrive and everything is very very slow to the point of not even loading. I've started a disk check now which usually takes an hour or so. Was absolutely fine last night and it's never done this before, anyone had a similar problem?

Processor could be getting over heated, in which case you'll need to re-apply thermal heat sink paste on.

Your motherboard will have sensors on the fans, so when a CPU gets to a certain temp the fans work harder to cool it. When there isn't enough heat sink on it'll not work as well as it should (and can burn out).

That's the first thing you should check.
16 years ago
4 years ago
Ahh cheers lad, got something similar but from Carlton, no fees other than if I'm crossing currencies. All set I think, just need to pick up a sim card when I get to the airport but won't have much time, hoping it's simple enough
14 years ago
13 hours ago
Processor could be getting over heated, in which case you'll need to re-apply thermal heat sink paste on.

Your motherboard will have sensors on the fans, so when a CPU gets to a certain temp the fans work harder to cool it. When there isn't enough heat sink on it'll not work as well as it should (and can burn out).

That's the first thing you should check.

Yeah think that's exactly what it is, opened it up and cleared about 3 tonne of dust out and also looked at the paste. Well there's pretty much nothing there and what is is just dried up. Gonna get some of Amazon today but no PC until it arrives as its completely unusable ffs.
16 years ago
2 years ago
Not with Kevo's frankly atrocious FIFA video production skills, no.

Your Ma was on Skype distracting me

You'd never see him anyway, he's always in the hospital!!

Poor Kev, he can't seem to get a break . . . oh wait!

I've been walking for 2 weeks now it's been great

Also fuck off you cunts!!
18 years ago
4 months ago
I've been walking for 2 weeks now it's been great

Also fuck off you cunts!!

And that must be a world record for you mate?
13 years ago
2 months ago
Your Ma was on Skype distracting me

I've been walking for 2 weeks now it's been great

Also fuck off you cunts!!

Hahaha you go careful mate, must almost be time for another trip to Hospital surely?
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
Bill O’Herlihy has died
16 years ago
2 years ago
Bill O’Herlihy has died

Terrible news
12 years ago
4 years ago
I had my first big boy car crash today! Bye-bye no claims discount!
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
I had my first big boy car crash today! Bye-bye no claims discount!

How big we talking?
12 years ago
4 years ago
Not a write-off, caved the drivers' side wing in on my car and a bit of the rear passenger side bumper on the other car. Everyone walked away unhurt thank Christ.
13 years ago
8 months ago
Ended up going going Thorpe Park today and went on a roller coaster for the first time :L
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
Not a write-off, caved the drivers' side wing in on my car and a bit of the rear passenger side bumper on the other car. Everyone walked away unhurt thank Christ.

Good to hear.
12 years ago
4 years ago
I still feel extremely bad for doing it, though I should to be fair. It has made me realise that, throughout the entire time you learn to drive, you are never taught what to do in the event that you have a crash. I've just been sort of muddling through everything so far, having to ask everyone I'm in contact with about it what I have to do next. It's very daunting.
13 years ago
8 years ago
I still feel extremely bad for doing it, though I should to be fair. It has made me realise that, throughout the entire time you learn to drive, you are never taught what to do in the event that you have a crash. I've just been sort of muddling through everything so far, having to ask everyone I'm in contact with about it what I have to do next. It's very daunting.

I dont think we get enough teaching on what to do in this event, it seems as though whoever puts the test together believes that accidents/stupidity dont happen. Even during the event, I crashed 2 days after my test when I was 17, basically went round a corner too fast, camber threw me across the road and went into a ditch and knocked a telegraph pole down, and I think I pressed the accelerator instead of the brake in a blind panic, which obviously didnt help.
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
I passed my test in 2011 and from what I can remember, the instructors seem to spend more time making sure you hold the wheel correctly and turn it the exact amount when doing maneuvers more than anything.
12 years ago
4 years ago
You'd at least think there'd be a "Hooray, you've passed your driving test!" pack, with information like this in it.

Just lodged a claim with my insurance company to get my car repaired so metaphorical wheels are in motion, even if the physical ones aren't.
18 years ago
3 months ago
Yeah think that's exactly what it is, opened it up and cleared about 3 tonne of dust out and also looked at the paste. Well there's pretty much nothing there and what is is just dried up. Gonna get some of Amazon today but no PC until it arrives as its completely unusable ffs.

Managed to sort it yet?
14 years ago
13 hours ago
Managed to sort it yet?

Was meant to turn up today but didn't so I'm obviously furious!

Don't worry I'll be in touch if it doesn't work
16 years ago
4 years ago
Is 40 mins enough time to get off the plane and security on the other side? I swear the checks aren't as thorough as when you try to board a plane. Just realised I booked my train ticket for 4.08 and plane arrives at 3.15. Don't have any check in luggage so should be alright, right?
18 years ago
3 weeks ago
Security on the arrival side is normally extremely minimal. The main checks are when you board the plane.

That should be alright if you don't have luggage, yeah.

Depends of course how far the train station is away from the airport
16 years ago
4 years ago
Yeah, thought so, swear it's only just passport control, depending on queues and getting off the actual plane and shit. Think the train station is right at the airport, flying to Stuttgart and the train station is called Flughafen/Messe which translates to airport..
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
There's security when you arrive in an airport? It's just passport control isn't it? EU passport queue should be short enough.

Also, arrival times are usually "padded" to make it seem like the plane landed early, so likely you'll actually land a 3pm. You should be ok, but try make it as fast as you can anyway
16 years ago
4 years ago
Yeah hope so. Got to try get a sim card at the airport too
13 years ago
8 months ago
Yeah hope so. Got to try get a sim card at the airport too

I have to do this in America. Fuck paying £10 for 10mbs of data a day
18 years ago
2 years ago
Going to see the Manics in Cardiff next week, typically there's now a rail strike on the same day I'm travelling up.

15 years ago
7 years ago
Yeah hope so. Got to try get a sim card at the airport too

I wouldn't bother. You're going to get ripped off getting one at the Airport. Unless you desperately need a sim the second you land I'd get one elsewhere.
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
You guys aren't with Three?
16 years ago
4 years ago
I am with three, but can get a simcard with T-mobile over there for like 10 euro, plus another 10 euro for 1gb internet. Which part would I get ripped of at the airport for, aren't starter pack prices set?
13 years ago
8 months ago
Im O2 its the only one I can get service with where I live

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