O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago

Please turn your attention to version 4.0, which can be found here:
OLT Expanded Hair Pack v4.0


OLT Expanded Hair Pack v3.0:

I always thought there were way too few hairstyles to offer any variety in NewGens in the game, and while I rectified most of that problem with Version 1 AMD 2 of my OLT Hairpack, I still feel more are needed. I focused on more afro's for this version, since that is where I felt they were most needed.

Here is a short breakdown of what V3 brings to the popular OLT Hair Pack:

I've spent a good time going through all the previously released hairs to improve them. I've made sure to remove all the white borders you'd get when using a dark skin. This should be a welcomed fix for the multitude of players who have always used dark skins, and didn't enjoy this pack as much as I want them to. I've also tried to clean them up a bit and tried to correct some unrealistic colors for a more natural look to them.

I never liked how the regens looked like they had no bodies from the neck down. They always looked like heads on a stick to me, so I experimented with adding some shirts to them so that they got a hint of shoulders in the pictures. This worked out extremely well in my opinion, so I had to go through it ALL again and add shirts.

I chose to do a very basic grey colored t-shirt style. This is to prevent any colors that associate to any team. Instead, they appear as if the picture was taken when they wore nothing but their undershirt...

In addition to my Hair Pack, I also decided to offer an additional download to add shirts to the default hairs as well. It looks kind of weird if only players with my hairs get realistic shoulders, while the defaults still appear as heads on a stick. So make sure you get the default replacements as well!

Further more...
I DO have some ideas. I'd like to use the same method that the default logo's use, and add an additional code to the player pic widgets where a default shirt image would display with the correct team colors - so that all players would be dressed in proper team shirts. Perhaps even add the ability to put team specific shirts in there, just like you can do with logo's. This is why I kept all the hairs without the shirt addition as well - in case I want to do some changes to how the shirts work.

I don't know if this will ever be a possibility. Especially since the shirt image would have to be wedged in between the hair image and the actual face image... which I think facegen renders as one. However... it's an idea for the future expansion of this facepack, and any ideas are welcome from those better at coding .xml than I am

Of course... this idea would require a custom skin.

I wanted more "character" to the players. So this time around I got a little more bold, and tried to add more advanced facial hairs to the game. It was a tough thing to do, because the faces can be very different, and I had to balance things back and forth so players wouldn't get the moustache on the tip of their nose. From my tests, it works absolutely wonderful, but occasionally (very rarely), you might find a player who looks a little bit weird.

Also... Yeah, I know - it looks kinda weird for a 16 year old regen to have a thick beard on his face - but, for most of their playing careers they won't be teenagers, and older players should certainly have more facial hair than we've been used to. It certainly adds a LOT more character to their appearances.

Put in a bunch more bald hair styles as well. These would be bald headed players who's got some facial hair, or a hint of shaved down hairlines. Little things like this add a lot to the realism of the newgens.

There is one problem with this, though. The game more often than not doesn't use the bald hairstyles from the pack... but rather chooses to not add a hair-picture to the player at all. This means that most bald players will NOT have the shirts on that everybody else has. They'll still appear as the old "heads-on-a-sticks" that we've been used to.

The new mixed race category for hairs... well, I simply copied the entire afro folder for that. Looking at the default SI hairs... they do the same (so I wonder why they separated them to begin with). Apparently these hairs are for Afro/Caucasian mixed ethnic groups, and can be found in just about any nation. Sometimes these players are a little too pale skinned for my preference - so they look a little odd with the afro hairs. But, that's beyond my ability to control.

You can't go wrong using this, guys!


- OLT Expanded Hair Pack v3.0
- OLT Expanded Hair Pack v3.0 (No Shirt) (Only download this if you don't want shirts on the players)
- OLT Default Replacements - Adds Shirts to the default hairs!

Newgens will never look the same once you install this!

Please delete the old "olt hairpack" folder before installing this one, to prevent any unwanted effects. Further instructions on how to install below.


- Extract "olt hairpack" folder into the following directory:
- [YOUR FM INSTALL FOLDER*]\data\facegen\hair
- DO NOT OVERWRITE THE EXISTING ORIGINAL FOLDERS (afro, asian, euro, hispanic). You should have the "olt hairpack" folder in this directory IN ADDITION to the other ones, or you will mess up your game.

* Steam Users (default):
- C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\football manager 2010
* Others (default):
- C:\Program Files\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2010

Note: In the facegen/hair folder, you should notice four folders already (afro, asian, euro & hispanic). These are the default hairs for the game. You should add the "olt hairpack" folder to those four in there so you don't write over the original hair styles. So DO NOT extract the "afro", "asian", "euro" & "hispanic" folders from within the "olt hairpack" folder directly into the "facegen/hair" folder. Extract the actual folder "olt hairpack" into this directory.

If you have a previous version of the OLT Hairpack installed, I recommend deleting the "olt hairpack" folder before installing the new one (all old hairstyles will still be there).

New hairstyles will (should) take effect immediately upon loading up the game. But only newly generated regens after the install will appear with the new hairstyles.

- You may redistribute this file, provided you distribute the original .rar file, including this readme.

- Enjoy


Known issues:

- Regens sometimes change hairs upon installation of new updates, but as long as the hair folders remain the same, so will the hairs.

- Bald hairstyles are only used sporadically. More often than not, it uses no extra image for the balds, which means they'll wear no shirt.

- Rarely, some extreme featured faces may not align 100% with the hair image. Most notably with the bearded ones. But, 99% work just fine!

------VERSION HISTORY--------

Version 3.0:
(Including white border removal on old hairs + shirts!)

Afro: 83 NEW (133)
Asian: 18 NEW (121)
Euro: 118 NEW (420)
Hispanic: 20 NEW (118)
Mixed: 6 NEW (6)*
*All afro's currently used for mixed as well...

TOTAL: 804 new hair styles

Version 2.0:

Afro: 1 NEW (50)
Asian: 99 NEW (103)
Euro: 44 NEW (302)
Hispanic: 2 NEW (98)

TOTAL: 553 new hair styles

Version 1.0:

Afro: 49
Asian: 4
Euro: 258
Hispanic: 96

TOTAL: 407 new hair styles


PS. Anyone who wants to see a specific hairstyle with my next release are welcome to post a picture of it here, and I'll get it done for use in the game.

The picture has to be a "mugshot" type picture - head held up, looking straight forward.

I'll even do YOU (You can blur out your face to protect your identity) I'm in there from the initial release... always a good chuckle when I recognize a player with my own head of hair...

Also noteworthy... it's better if the picture has good contrast and lighting - colors are important too, but I can fiddle with those so it's not that big of a deal (most hairs come in different colors from black, dark/light brown and blonde... and redheads of course).
18 years ago
40 minutes ago
Great work I'll be using them in my games, just like I did with the previous iterations of the file.

I have just one question - what exactly do the new default faces look like? Could you perhaps upload a screenshot?
O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago
By mons | Permalink | On 13 November 2012 - 19:59 PM
Great work I'll be using them in my games, just like I did with the previous iterations of the file.

I have just one question - what exactly do the new default faces look like? Could you perhaps upload a screenshot?

Thanks. Hope you'll enjoy them!

Yeah, the default replacements do absolutely nothing but add the same shirts that my hair files add. So they look exactly like normal, except they now have a shirt. That way they don't stand out as different.

But, yeah... gimme a minute and I'll fix up a screenshot and add to that upload.
12 years ago
10 years ago
Does this work on fm2013. I've done according to your instruction and the newgen players still look the same, no new hairstyle, no t-shirt, no new nothing. my hair folder looks like this:

Did I do anything wrong? Need help, really like your work
O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago
By tjn | Permalink | On 14 November 2012 - 00:24 AM
Does this work on fm2013. I've done according to your instruction and the newgen players still look the same, no new hairstyle, no t-shirt, no new nothing. my hair folder looks like this:

Did I do anything wrong? Need help, really like your work

Looks like you've done it just right.

If you're looking at a save game that had regens - the file should not replace the hairs on those already created in game, so you would only see the new hairstyles on new players that get added to the game during season updates.

If you're not seeing them while starting up a new game (with fake players), then most likely you need to go into Preferences. Untick the cache and reload the skin on confirm - that should load up the new pictures (once done, you can revert your settings)

Let me know if this doesn't work.
12 years ago
10 years ago
no still nothing. not working on my existing save and not working on new game with fake players. btw I'm using this on fm2013. have you tested it on 2013?
reloading skin on confirm did nothing.
but It's working now. I did a restore to default setting in the preferences. restarted the game, and the new regen players are sporting the new hairstyles and t-shirt. Cheers.

Edit ag:

strange thing - not all newly generated players are using the new hairstyle and wearing the t-shirt. I have 2 players in the new in-take batch that are still shirt-less. Don't know if it's intended or a glitch.
O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago
By tjn | Permalink | On 14 November 2012 - 00:55 AM
strange thing - not all newly generated players are using the new hairstyle and wearing the t-shirt. I have 2 players in the new in-take batch that are still shirt-less. Don't know if it's intended or a glitch.

Glad you got it working.

As for a couple of players missing the shirts. Did you download the default replacements pack? If you didn't, the regens that are assigned one of the default hairs will not be wearing a shirt, so you need to download that pack as well. Link in OP, ReadMe in file for install instructions.

There is also a problem, as I mention in the OP, that most of the time bald headed players are not assigned a hair image file at all, and that means they don't get the shirt either. This I can't do anything about, sadly.
16 years ago
8 years ago
Love this man, posted on the SI forums yesterday. Glad this is being updated
12 years ago
8 years ago
My facegen/hair folder looks like this:


That's what the info says, isn't it?

My problem: The haircuts of the existing newgens have been replaced by the ones of the pack. If I delete the pack, all newgens are bald.
O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago
By MKG | Permalink | On 14 November 2012 - 20:54 PM
My problem: The haircuts of the existing newgens have been replaced by the ones of the pack. If I delete the pack, all newgens are bald.

That's a known issue that happens sometimes (as mentioned in the OP).

I'm sorry it's happened to you, but (probably) what happens is that when you remove the hairs it retains the information as it should have done when you installed it. Only now it retains info of images that no longer exist... hence the bald players.

I had the same thing happen in a game a while ago. All one can do is get used to the new haircuts on the existing players.
16 years ago
2 years ago
This is outstanding. Adding shirts to them is inspired too. Used previous versions of your pack and thought it improved the game a lot anyway but this release knocks it out the park.

I don't think my young Italian left back could look any MORE like an Italian left back now!..


This is up there as a 'must have' along with the cut-out facepack imo.
18 years ago
40 minutes ago
He's a bit hairy for a 17 year-old

Kidding apart, I agree, this is a massively enhancing add-on
O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago
Thanks, guys.

Glad you're enjoying the pack.

By mons | Permalink | On 18 November 2012 - 08:55 AM
He's a bit hairy for a 17 year-old

Kidding apart, I agree, this is a massively enhancing add-on

Yeah, I know Those beards kind of look weird on the kids, but I figured that for the most part of their footballing careers they'll be fully grown adults able to grow a full face of hair... I feel I'd rather have a few hairy kids around, than a whole world full of baby-faced adults.

And, yes - I agree. This is an essential add-on for my FM enjoyment (if I may say so of my own work). Especially for those long-term saves, or when downloading leagues where a lot of real players are missing. One needs a bit of variety on the looks of players so we can get a clear "imaginary" picture of who they are. My only problem... I can't get enough hairs to be satisfied.
18 years ago
4 days ago
Brilliant work OLT, adding shirts is a very good idea
13 years ago
2 hours ago
Sounds daft i know and its probs something i've done wrong, all my regen players are showing up with the new faces fine, but all the real players are just showing cartoonized pictures of Cristiano Ronaldo , any way to sort this out?
O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago
By TheWednesday | Permalink | On 27 November 2012 - 00:06 AM
Sounds daft i know and its probs something i've done wrong, all my regen players are showing up with the new faces fine, but all the real players are just showing cartoonized pictures of Cristiano Ronaldo , any way to sort this out?

What? That's very odd indeed.

I'm sorry, but I can't even begin to fathom where you have gone wrong to accomplish that. My pack should not affect real player pics in any way - and if the regens are showing the hairs, that should indicate that you installed it correctly. It's got to be something else.

And, to think - the horror! Cristaino Ronaldo everywhere... what a nightmare!
18 years ago
1 week ago
I think it may be some weird error cause by having the option selected as "show FaceGen images only" in display and sound preferences, it's should be real and generated faces. Perhaps try that and see if it fixes it?

Random question, as players get older and stuff does hair change/grow/grey? I've never paid enough attention to it to notice. Great work this though!
13 years ago
2 hours ago
By KEZ_7 | Permalink | On 27 November 2012 - 10:45 AM
I think it may be some weird error cause by having the option selected as "show FaceGen images only" in display and sound preferences, it's should be real and generated faces. Perhaps try that and see if it fixes it?

Random question, as players get older and stuff does hair change/grow/grey? I've never paid enough attention to it to notice. Great work this though!

Thanks for suggestion mate but i've made sure both are ticked and still the same. When i untick show real players(not too bothered about these as i dont use facepacks) it also gets rid of the regen faces. I'm wondering if the Ronaldo images are something to do with the Metallic Logo pack i have downloaded? either way very odd.

And as for changing hair, not too sure about hair changing but i'm sure facial expressions change depending on their morale.
O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago
By KEZ_7 | Permalink | On 27 November 2012 - 10:45 AM
Random question, as players get older and stuff does hair change/grow/grey? I've never paid enough attention to it to notice. Great work this though!

Players don't change hairs as they grow older, except that some players seem to get grey hair as they grow older - but this is very rare. When they do, it seems they are assigned a random grey hair instead of the one they've had, which may not look anything like the style they sported earlier.

By TheWednesday | Permalink | On 27 November 2012 - 22:46 PM
Thanks for suggestion mate but i've made sure both are ticked and still the same. When i untick show real players(not too bothered about these as i dont use facepacks) it also gets rid of the regen faces. I'm wondering if the Ronaldo images are something to do with the Metallic Logo pack i have downloaded? either way very odd.

And as for changing hair, not too sure about hair changing but i'm sure facial expressions change depending on their morale.

Hope you get it sorted. Sorry, but I'm at a loss as to what could be causing it.
13 years ago
2 hours ago
Not having any luck with it i'm afraid. Anyone else got any ideas on what it could be?
13 years ago
2 hours ago
Just found something, i'm using the FM13 Carbon skin, and players agents are showing the faces, yet the regen players arent?
13 years ago
4 years ago
well i have done something and all the regens are bald. how can i fix it?
13 years ago
5 months ago
By harris79 | Permalink | On 24 December 2012 - 12:55 PM
well i have done something and all the regens are bald. how can i fix it?

if you uncheck the use faces for new players in the preferences screen, confirm, and then go back and check it again, all the regens will get a new face,
13 years ago
4 years ago
By advalencia | Permalink | On 24 December 2012 - 13:22 PM
if you uncheck the use faces for new players in the preferences screen, confirm, and then go back and check it again, all the regens will get a new face,

yes,they have face,but they are still bald.something happened when i installed this hair pack.
O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago
By harris79 | Permalink | On 25 December 2012 - 12:48 PM
yes,they have face,but they are still bald.something happened when i installed this hair pack.

If that's the case you've done something wrong when installing the pack. Either you overwrote the default folders and messed up the config's, or the config files got messed up in some other way.

If you overwrote the default hairs, you could have the baldness because you no longer have any configs that allows the game to read the original hairs, and all previously created regens should have default hairs. Check your folder structure to make sure you have all the default ethnic folders (afro, asian, hispanic, euro, mixed race) and my 'olt hairpack' folder in ADDITION to these. Within my folder you should again see the same ethnic folders. If that's not how it looks - you've installed it wrong.

Hope you get it sorted.
13 years ago
4 years ago
By O | Permalink | On 26 December 2012 - 10:57 AM
If that's the case you've done something wrong when installing the pack. Either you overwrote the default folders and messed up the config's, or the config files got messed up in some other way.

If you overwrote the default hairs, you could have the baldness because you no longer have any configs that allows the game to read the original hairs, and all previously created regens should have default hairs. Check your folder structure to make sure you have all the default ethnic folders (afro, asian, hispanic, euro, mixed race) and my 'olt hairpack' folder in ADDITION to these. Within my folder you should again see the same ethnic folders. If that's not how it looks - you've installed it wrong.

Hope you get it sorted.

the first time i removed the default folder and i had only the hairpack file.the regens were bald.Then i put back the default file and removed the hairpack,but again the regens were bald. Now i have both the default folders and the hairpack folder in the facegen/hair folder but the regens are still bald.
12 years ago
1 month ago
OLT Default Replacements - Adds Shirts to the default hairs!

if a player doesn't have hair or beard, they still don't have a shirt. Unfortunately, I have one of them
O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago
By juniorhonour | Permalink | On 08 January 2013 - 19:15 PM
OLT Default Replacements - Adds Shirts to the default hairs!

if a player doesn't have hair or beard, they still don't have a shirt. Unfortunately, I have one of them

Yes, I'm aware of that. Nothing I can do about it though, as the game chooses to simply not use a hair image for most bald players (there are some balds with shirts as well though). That's hard coded, and unfortunately not something I can change.
13 years ago
7 months ago
Quick question, and may be a stupid one.

Does anyone know if installing the mod will have any effect on the leaderboard? As you are replacing files and not only adding graphics.
O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago
By sr! | Permalink | On 17 January 2013 - 11:10 AM
Quick question, and may be a stupid one.

Does anyone know if installing the mod will have any effect on the leaderboard? As you are replacing files and not only adding graphics.

It has no effect on anything but hairstyles.

Also - you should NOT replace anything. You're only adding another folder to the default facegen folder. Never overwrite anything when installing this pack.

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