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Eugene Lee
Ah, this brings up just one simple question. Since everybody, including Hamas knows that Israel poses the Iron Dome, why on earth fire rockets at Israel knowing that it'll most likely end up being intercepted by the Iron Dome? Hamas just wants to provoke Israel & Israel is just waiting to be provoked. & thus, you have your bloodshed.
Eugene Lee
Ah, this brings up just one simple question. Since everybody, including Hamas knows that Israel poses the Iron Dome, why on earth fire rockets at Israel knowing that it'll most likely end up being intercepted by the Iron Dome? Hamas just wants to provoke Israel & Israel is just waiting to be provoked. & thus, you have your bloodshed.
Telegram Sam
KM's going to have something to say about this.
Slashman X
"This Israel situation is approx. 1.5 Holocausts, whereas the situation in Syria is merely 0.6 Holocausts"
Eugene Lee
I don't think you really understand the Arab Spring when you say stuff like that.
Eugene Lee
You are right on that point. Maybe I lack a deeper understanding on that issue. Will go read it up though. But as per what I know, that's supposedly where the Muslim people launch a demonstration and protest. What we're seeing in the Middle East now like in Syria where Assad is willing to sacrifice the lives of his own people in order to stay in power. What I understand from this is that it's the rulers or leaders that are refusing to relinquish their power. Look at Japan, the public have been protesting since the last couple of years against what they perceive as a weak leadership and government. There's no bloodshed because the leader realized that he's no longer in favor and thus opts to resign and hand power to a new leader. My point is, there has not been enough effort from the U.N. in dealing with the Arab Springs and Israel-Hamas issue. In my opinion, a serious and concrete effort should be in place to solve this issue. I know as Kofi Annan had said that it was quite impossible to solve the issues in Syria but I believe where there's a will there's a way. Look at the oil rich nations like UAE and Qatar, they're one of the richest and peaceful Middle East countries. Yet all they care about is the development of their own countries and buying football clubs. They should attempt to assert themselves as the leading lights of the Arab League and actually try to do something.
Bald Ninja
I'm pretty sure there was a massive thread on the events on Syria on the old board, newer news always gets talking about. That's why it's call news, because you know, its new.
Telegram Sam
Did we? Wasn't it just Libya?
But it is still happening. More were killed today, making it, well you know, news.
The Western funded rebels are just as bad as the people they are fighting against. There has been a few cases of media using imagery from rebel violence and trying to say it is from the Syrian army.
CNN showed footage of the Iron Dome and said we are using that to shoot rockets at Gaza.
It is possible but I can't comment on it as I haven't seen anything beside an admission that it is possible
Just for verification
Turns out he is 'racist' also. Nice of him to criticise people for making sure information is out there for people to see but Israeli higher ups have been doing that for years.
Eugene Lee
Eugene Lee
Eugene Lee
Britain has just recalled its ambassador in Israel and I hear France is mulling the same move. Signs of their protest against Israel attacks on Palestine. I just don't get it though, why does Hamas gets away with his bombings when the Israel face so much slack over their actions? Yes, people say that Hamas rockets only managed to kill 1 or 2 Israelis while Israel rockets kills thousands of Palestinians. So? People still die right? The Times wrote a report saying that Hamas's rockets are getting stronger and better and could one day render the Iron Dome useless. "9 out of 10 fired into Israel get take out by the Iron Dome but that 10th hits an Israeli somewhere. Hamas's rockets are improving and thus we are seeing Israel improvising a second Iron Dome". IMO as long as Iran and Lebanon still continue to back Hamas, more rockets will be fired and one day Israel will finally be bombed just like Gaza. And the longer US and Obama continues to give the green light to Israel to fire back because they are being fired, more Israel rockets will be fired.
There needs to be a stop on both sides.Acknowledging Palestine as an official country is only a small step for U.N. More needs to be done and fast.
Your point on the article is?
I'm not even going to respond to you condemning the actions of a nation retaliating against a genocidal nation with one of the biggest military forces in the world that is hellbent on wiping the other side out.
Mr Willy
Eugene Lee
My point is that, it's everyone's fault that this has happen. The US are still firmly behind the backs of Israel which is giving them the confidence and somewhat no fear in firing rockets into Palestine. Though the US strongly say no to any ground invasion, if the US can use "retaliation" as an excuse for rocket fires, they can too for a ground invasion. As for Palestine, the whole reason they have gotten themselves into this mess is because of Hamas who thinks he can gain something by firing rockets which 9 out of 10 get taken out by the Dome. Hence as written in the Times, he's planning for bigger and longer distance rocket missiles. If Israel who one day finally gets properly hit by those Hamas rockets, are they not the victims then? If you're saying that Palestine is a victim here, I would agree but on the basis that it is a victim of Hamas's actions and Israel's so call retaliation. It's Israel's Government hellbent on wiping out Palestine versus Hamas's idea of destroying Israel.
That's why I'm strongly in for a different approach by the US and U.N towards both Israel Hamas. The innocent public of both sides are the real victims.
Not sure how much they actually support them. The Lebanese and the Palestinians are different kinds of Muslims. They hate each other more than they hate us.