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One Night In Grimsby
We lost away at Altrincham last night, 2-1. Their first "goal" was this, ffs.
Number 1
Don't think it does, but the linesman's got a tough decision to make. Too many bodies and ends up guessing, mind.
Drew with Brighton last night. Fair result. We were awful first half and a goal gown after 18 seconds. God only knows how they didn't add to it, but they didn't. And in the second half we came out, got a deserved equaliser and pushed for a winner. Both sides had good spells, both sides will be disappointed they didn't make more of them.
Number 1
I did offer the caveat that my eyesight is terrible if that's anything.
One Night In Grimsby
Was 0-0 at the time of that "goal" too, but all ifs and maybes now. Got to say Altrincham produce some very decent match highlights and very impressed with that camera!
Number 1
More amazing the bid was accepted in the first place - where has the money come from?
The owner is a billionaire. Which explains why their colossal wage bill from when they got relegated (c.£30m) didn't put them in major trouble and why they've been able to rebuild the team whilst renovating the stadium.
Number 1
I thought the billionaire owner of BCFC was seeking to offload or restrain his investment. Least that's what I heard when they were relegated to the 2nd tier two years ago.
Number 1
Presumably success last year has re-ignited his interest. Funny that.
Meanwhile Gray has been linked with Burnley. Which seems more like the deal I was expecting. It must be annoying to be BCFC though if they're prepared to spend mahoosive cash and still not get the players they want/need.
I don't know what Bristol City's infrastructure is like, but I don't think it helps that it's out in the back of beyond. It's not a London, a Manchester or a Leeds, that's for sure, so for a young man looking to make his football career it's probably not the most attractive spot. That said, Bournemouth attracted players last season, and that's a bit of an outpost in similar terms. Might also be that players don't take to Cotterill - he hits me as someone who you love or loathe on first meeting - and the club itself doesn't have a reputation as a place to go for young talent to develop. Still think they'll have a good season, though the longer they fail to invest for the less likely that prediction is to come through - if they don't make signings soon it'll be a League One squad, and even if they do make signings they might take time to settle.
Number 1
I think there's bigger issues in further west outposts (Exeter, Plymouth, Yeovil, etc) with the location thing, and Bristol as a city is not the worst place. But I do agree that compared with the likes of London or Manchester, its gonna struggle. Maybe its a case that they had too much faith in those who walked League One last year, but haven't made it Championship ready, or that Cotterill is not a Championship ready gaffer.
What a goal.
You should still be able to get a decent price on this with only 4 games gone, but hurry!
Number 1
Superb goal indeed.
And yeah. Presumably Sky is banking on them still having a big fanbase from their Champions League semi-final days.
Number 1
... oh and impressive from Portsmouth coming from 3-0 and a man down to draw.
Anyone know if he's any good?
He didn't really stand out against us last week in the cup, but then again, we didn't do anything worthwhile going forward anyway.
Heard nothing down our end. Where is that supposed to be from?